Texans Against the War on Drugs

The Resolutions Offered by El Pasos City Council to End Prohibition Are Quashed by Fear of Retaliation by Washington. /By Mary Anastasia OGrady El Paso Texas - In the national debate about the efficacy and morality of the U.S.  war on drugs it is not uncommon for prohibitionists to accuse their opponents of harboring libertine motives.  But as opposition to current policy increases in places like this culturally conservative and predominantly Catholic border city that charge isnt sticking.    The growing tendency here to question U.S.  drug policy has nothing whatsoever to do with ideology or an affinity for drugs.  Rather it is an acknowledgment that while the war on drugs has done nothing to curb the U.S.  appetite for mind-altering substances its unintended consequence has been to empower organized crime networks.  These gangs which aggressively target children as customers and low-level employees on both sides of the border are undermining the economy and the quality of life in the binational El Paso-Juarez metropolitan region. As a result over the last two years the city council here has been growing more vocal about the need for an alternative to current policy.  But thus far it has been rebuffed by Washington politicians many of whom are allied with the special interests such as the Drug Enforcement Agency that the drug war has spawned. In the 40 years since Richard Nixon declared war on drug suppliers abroad-because American consumers had consistently demonstrated that they had no interest in curtailing demand-illicit drug use in rich countries has remained fairly constant.  Only preferences have shifted. A report released in June by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime found that drug use has stabilized in the developed world. Cocaine use in the U.S.  has dropped in recent decades but there is growing abuse of amphetamine-type stimulants and /prescription drugs around the world. The report also said that cannabis is still the worlds drug of choice. In other words billions of dollars in warring has left us about where we started except according to the report that the indoor cultivation of cannabis is now a major source of funding for criminal gangs. Meanwhile Juarez is dying.  Since the beginning of this year more than 2200 people in the city have been murdered.  Since 2008 the toll is almost 6500.  On a per capita basis this would be equivalent to some 26000 murders in New York City.  Drug warriors play down these numbers by claiming that some 85 of the dead were themselves involved in trafficking.  But that claim is dubious since in many of the murders-more than 90 of cases this year-there hasnt even been an arrest.  And what about the hundreds of innocents the other 15 of the victims that the government admits were not criminals? Because organized crime corrupts institutions impunity is also flourishing.  This has encouraged an epidemic of kidnapping and extortion which has sent entrepreneurs and investors running for their lives.  Thus the citys economy has collapsed and the width=212municipal government is broke.  I visited Juarez last week and saw the vacant buildings and empty taco joints. Thirty-seven-year-old El Paso City Council member Beto ORourke a father of three told me that before witnessing the slaughter of his neighbors and the economic decline of his city hed never really given the drug war much thought.  But in 2008 after more than 1660 murders the city council sponsored a resolution condemning the violence with an amendment he offered calling for an open and honest dialogue on ending the prohibition in this country. The resolution passed 8-0 but the mayor vetoed it on the grounds that it would make the city look bad in Austin and Washington. When the council tried to override the veto Mr.  ORourke says council members received phone calls from Democratic Congressman Sylvester Reyes that basically threatened the city with loss of federal funds if we continued with this resolution. Mr.  Reyess office says it only sent a message that in a moment when the congressman was trying to garner stimulus funds for El Paso the resolution wasnt helpful. The override failed by two votes. In 2010 the council offered another resolution.  Mr.  ORourke told me that this one was much more sharply worded and included a call for the regulation control and taxation of marijuana in the U.S. given that 50-60 of cartel revenues are marijuana sales to U.S.  consumers.  That was $8.6 billion in 2006 alone according to White House Office on Drug Control Policy. width=96The vote was 4-4 and the mayor broke the tie by voting against it.  But Mr.  ORourke says he is confident that a growing number of people here can see prohibition isnt working.  He tells me that after speeches to Rotary Clubs and civic organizations he is invariably approached by many individuals who say they agree though they dont want to say so publicly.  Feedback from his own constituents also runs heavily in favor of changing the policy. Perhaps it is time to stop using character assassination and the power of the federal purse to quash this conversation.
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