AUSTIN The U.S. Department of Labor has authorized the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to begin processing unemployment benefit claims for the newly enacted 14-week extension of Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Act benefits.
Claimants do not need to contact TWC unless they receive a letter with instructions to do so.
This 14-week extension of benefits is part of EUC which expires on December 31 2009 unless Congress renews the EUC Act. Therefore claimants who exhaust regular unemployment insurance (UI) or the previous federal extensions after December 26 will not be able to apply for this new federal extension. TWC estimates that approximately 27500 claimants will exhaust their benefits the week ending
January 2 2010.
TWC is working with Congress as it considers changing the expiration date of the EUC Act beyond the end of 2009. Because the additional benefits are federally funded employers will not be charged for claims paid through this extension.
Claimants who currently receive unemployment benefits should continue to request payment as scheduled. Claimants should keep their addresses current by updating them online at
http://ui.texasworkforce.org or by contacting a UI Tele-Center toll-free at 1-800-939-6631.
TWC and the 28 local workforce development boards remain committed to providing work search assistance training and other services to unemployed Texans. Thousands of job postings are available on WorkInTexas.com TWCs online job-matching Web site.