AUSTIN Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Nuevo Leon Attorney General Luis Carlos Trevino Berchelmann today signed a memorandum of understanding that memorializes both states commitment to work cooperatively and collaboratively to combat transnational crime.
Under the agreement executed today the Texas and Nuevo Leon attorneys general agreed to jointly focus on strengthening social and legal assistance to children; coordinating law enforcement communication to help address crime on both sides of the border; exchanging information and criminal intelligence about human trafficking drug smuggling crimes against children and financial crimes; collaborating to combat cross-border crimes against children and human trafficking; exchanging crime prevention best practices; and offer law enforcement educational exchange programs between the neighboring states.
Todays agreement formalized two law enforcement agencies agreeing to work cooperatively and collaboratively to combat transnational crime" said Texas Attorney General Abbott. This Memorandum of Understanding will foster interagency communication training and relationships among officials on both sides of the border. I am honored to work with Attorney General Trevino Berchelmann as we both strive to protect our citizens from the criminals who seek to harm them."
Nuevo Leon Attorney General Trevino Berchelmann added: This memorandum of understanding will foster collaboration efforts between the governments of both states in two fundamental ways. On the one hand the information exchange will be an important tool in the combat of crime and in the enforcement of the rule of law. On the other hand children one of the most vulnerable groups will receive effective protection on both sides of the border."
Under the agreement the Office of the Attorney General of Texas will:
• Continue working to protect children including cooperative efforts to improve the legal and social support services that are available to young victims;
• Provide investigative and prosecutorial training for law enforcement officials from Nuevo Leon including training about the investigation and prosecution of cyber crimes against kids; and
• Provide a directory of key personnel to help facilitate the exchange of information.
The Attorney General of Nuevo Leon will:
• Continue working to protect children including cooperative efforts to improve the legal and social support services that are available to young victims;
• Provide investigative and prosecutorial training for law enforcement from Texas including instruction about the investigation preparation and resolution of criminal cases in Nuevo Leon;
• Pay for travel expenses incurred by the OAG when its prosecutors and peace officers conduct law enforcement training in Nuevo Leon; and
• Provide a directory of key personnel to help facilitate the exchange of information between key agency personnel.