Texas-Based Christians United for Israel Converge on Washington DC for Summit

Erick Stakelbeck CBN News width=120WASHINGTON -- Evangelical Christians in America have become Israels staunchest ally in a world increasingly hostile to the Jewish state.  That support was on full display last week in the nations capital as over 4000 Christians & Jews gathered at the Washington Convention Center for the annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) summit.  CUFI is now the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with over 400000 members nationwide - including chapters on college campuses throughout the U.S. The Washington D.C. event attracted several pro-Israel lawmakers.  And there were also tough words for the Obama administration from both sides of the aisle regarding its treatment of Israel. width=168What has become painfully obvious to many Americans is that this administration has become the most anti-Israel administration in American history Rep. Mike Pence R-Ind. said. Rep. Shelly Berkley D-Nev. was also critical of the administrations Israel policy. When the administration seized every opportunity to criticize Israel for building apartments for its people in the undisputed neighborhoods in East Jerusalem creating a crisis that was unnecessary unwise and bad for Israel - I spoke out and condemned the actions of administration she said.      The reception was different however for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He appeared live via satellite to a rousing standing ovation as he thanked evangelical Christians for their support. Israels ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren also appeared highlighting the global growth of anti-Semitism and the looming threat of a nuclear Iran. Theres a passion and a heart for Israel for anyone who believes the Bible said CUFIs founder Pastor John Hagee. Hagee told CBN News that he started CUFI in 2006 with a Biblical mandate in mind. What are the spiritual things that we as Christians have received from the Jewish people? Hagee asked.  We have received the word of God we have received the patriarchs we have received the prophets of the Old Testament and we have received Mary Joseph & Jesus said Hagee. Christian Broadcasting Network President Michael Little and CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck were featured speakers at the week-long event. The conference concluded on Thursday with delegates heading to Capitol Hill to lobby their representatives on behalf of Israel.
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