Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Gov. Rick Perry today received the endorsement of the Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology political action committee HeartPAC for re-election in 2010.
Rick Perry is a true advocate of medical professionals across Texas tirelessly working to implement crucial lawsuit reforms that have been vital to enhancing our states healthcare industry and making healthcare more accessible and affordable" said HeartPAC Chairman David May M.D.
Today Texas cardiologists are in a better position to treat their patients because of Gov. Perrys leadership and we proudly endorse him in his effort to continue leading the state of Texas."
The purpose of the
Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology is to contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases to ensure optimal quality of care for individuals with such diseases and to foster the highest professional ethical standards. The chapter is the voice of cardiology in Texas providing input to policy makers in the legislature state government professional organizations and third party payers.
Texas cardiologists are a vital component to our states healthcare industry and I am truly honored to receive HeartPACs endorsement" said Gov. Perry.
Because of what Texas has accomplished to secure important lawsuit reform legislation thousands of doctors are drawn to practice in our state which has

brought in critical specialties for Texans. I look forward to building on this success to address the current challenges facing our healthcare system and make healthcare more available and affordable to all Texans" Perry said.
The Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology Heart PAC joins the following organizations in their endorsement of Gov. Perry in the general election:
- Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas PAC
- Associated General Contractors of America Texas Building Branch PAC
- Associated Security Services and Investigators of the State of Texas
- Automotive Parts and Services Association
- BEEF-PAC of Texas Cattle Feeders Association
- Boating Trades Association of Texas PAC
- Career Colleges and Schools of Texas
- C" Club of Houston
- Exotic Wildlife Association
- Independent Bankers Association of Texas
- Recreational Fishing Alliance
- Outdoor Advertising Association of Texas
- Pasadena Police Officers Union
- Sheriff Arvin West Hudspeth County
- Sheriff Clint McDonald Terrell County
- Sheriff Danny Dominguez Presidio County
- Sheriff Eusevio Salinas Zavala County
- Sheriff Rene Fuentes Starr County
- Sheriff Rick McIvor Jeff Davis County
- Sheriff Ronny Dodson Brewster County
- Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. Zapata County
- Sheriff Thomas Herrera Maverick County
- Southwest Movers Association
- Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
- Texas Alliance for Life PAC
- Texas Allied Poultry Association
- Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association PAC
- Texas Apartment Association
- Texas Association for Interior Design
- Texas Association of Business BACPAC
- Texas Association of Dairymen PAC
- Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
- Texas Association of Realtors ®
- Texas Beverage Association
- Texas Broiler Council
- Texas Burglar and Fire Alarm Association
- Texas Chiropractic Association
- Texas Department of Public Safety Officers Association PAC
- Texas Economic Development Council PAC
- Texas Egg Council
- Texas Forestry Association Forestry PAC
- Texas Home School Coalition PAC
- Texas Locksmiths Association
- Texas Municipal Police Association
- Texas Nursery and Landscape Association PAC
- Texas Ophthalmological Association
- Texas Optometric Association PAC
- Texas Pest Control Association
- Texas Pharmacy Association PharmPAC
- Texas Pharmacy Business Council
- Texas Podiatric Medical Association
- Texas Poultry Federation
- Texas Poultry Improvement Association
- Texas Process Servers Association
- Texas Quarter Horse Association
- Texas Recreational Fishing Alliance
- Texas Recreational Vehicle Association
- Texas Retailers Association PAC
- Texas Right to Life PAC
- Texas Society of Anesthesiologists PAC
- Texas Society of Professional Engineers
- Texas Travel Industry Association
- Texas Turkey Federation
- Texas Wildlife Association
- Wholesale Beer Distributors of Texas PAC