Texas Comptroller Susan Combs Honored

A Doer Dreamer and Driver" By Government Technology Magazine    width=65Texas Comptroller Susan Combs is one of only three women named to Government Technology magazines 2009 list of the Top 25 Doers Dreamers and Drivers." The list in the publications March 2009 issue honors leaders who use technology to solve problems meet evolving expectations and operate more efficient government operations. In her profile the magazine acknowledges Combss transparency efforts including an initiative to publish expenditure information in the Where the Money Goes" online database which won a 2008 Best of Texas award from the Center for Digital Government. The magazine also highlights Combs Open Book Texas initiative launched in December 2008 designed to promote open government and smart spending. In the age of the Internet there is seldom a good reason why government cannot keep citizens informed about how tax dollars are spent" Combs said. This emphasis on transparency is not only about making local governments more accountable to citizens; it is equally about making local governments stronger and better. As our own experience shows if you know what you are spending you know how to spend better. We support that philosophy at every level of government." In recognizing the demand for improved services Combs efforts to reengineer the Comptrollers office propelled the state to analyze expenses and use electronic tools to offer a transparent look at government spending. She brought the agency into the 21st century and by leading the charge with transparency shes now helping other state agencies and local governments open their books and identify ways to spend smarter. Government Technology is a national magazine covering information technologys role in state and local governments. Through in-depth coverage of IT case studies emerging technologies and the implications of digital technology on the policies and management of public sector organizations Government Technology chronicles the dynamics of governing in the information age. As we endure a year fraught with challenges a clear vision and leadership on technology issues may be more important than ever before" said Government Technology Editor Steve Towns. Were confident that our 2009 Doers Dreamers and Drivers are prepared to answer the call."
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