By Gary Polland
Rasmussens new poll in the Texas Governors race tells us the contest for Governor will be a challenge. A few comments: the poll shows 67 of Texans favor repeal of the health care plan with 25 opposed. Governor Rick Perry gets 75 of those opposed but we need to get 98.
42 approve of the job Obama is doing so there is potential progress here as Governor Perrys approval rating stands at 59 so there is a lot more support out there to be had.
The poll points out some early lessons we need to:
- Tie Bill White to Obama & Obamacare
- Define him based on the problems he left the City of Houston and
- Governor Perry needs to articulate his vision for Texas going forward
Term Limits For The GOP Only?
In a remarkable op-ed in the April 25 2010 Houston Chronicle former Democratic Chairman David Mincberg while pretending to talk about reform of the City of Houstons term limits law attacks two Republican members of Commissioners Court for being in office too long.
As is to be expected he fails to mention the two Democratic members of the court including one who is the longest serving member. He also fails to tell how term limits can be adopted for Commissioners Court since it would require authorization of the Texas legislature a place where Democrats pushing term limits is as rare as Democrats reducing state spending.
TCR has two questions for the Chronicle:
- Is there nothing else to run on Sunday besides this one sided attack on Republicans?
- And when will you run the response submitted?
New Group: Independent Conservative Republicans Of Texas
For GOPers worried that the Republican brand is adversely affected by non-conservative Republicans we now have a new group designed to ensure the GOP
remains conservative:
Independent Conservative Republicans of Texas.

The organization is a group of conservative legislators
led by State Senator Dan Patrick.
What do they stand for?
As members of the Independent Conservative Republicans of Texas we pledge to defend the values and principles on which our nation was founded. Our first allegiance is to the people the conservative majority of our party who elected us to office.
Our Contract with Texas ... We give our word to:
- Stand for conservative principles and to put people before party.
- Be fiscally accountable limit the size of government and fight for free market principles.
- Protect our borders and to support a strong military.
- Protect life support strong family values and uphold the Judeo-Christian beliefs our nation was founded upon.
- Defend the Constitution and protect the sovereign rights of Texas.
You can reach them at
TCR on the Air
Red White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland & liberal commentator David Jones on PBS Houston Channel 8.
- Coming soon Dr. Barton Smith the Center for Houstons Future on where are we going?
- Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector standoff Don Sumners (R) v. Diane Trautman (D).
As a new fun feature please visit us at where you can see after-show commentary about the show and its guests by Gary & David each week where the show is also available on YouTube.
The Texas Conservative Review is published by Gary Polland a long-time conservative Republican spokesman & fund-raiser who completed 3 terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events -The National Conservative Weekly. Gary is a practicing attorney & can be reached at (713) 621-6335.
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