Texas Continues Preparedness Efforts

Resources deployed to Valley Region in Anticipation of Effects from Hurricane Dean

Published: 08-20-07

AUSTIN – At the request of local officials Gov. Rick Perry today deployed a fleet of buses both school buses and commercial to the Rio Grande Valley Region to aid in the possible evacuation of special needs residents. Texas Task Force 1 and 2 were also deployed and pre-positioned in South Texas for assistance in response and recovery efforts from potential flooding. Additional barrels of unleaded gasoline were transported to the region to mitigate any potential gas shortages.
“As we track the progress of Hurricane Dean state federal and local officials are working as a team to prepare our communities particularly those in South Texas by positioning resources throughout the state” said Gov. Perry. “I encourage Texans to keep an eye on weather reports heed the guidance of their local leaders and be ready to act as the storm’s potential impact takes shape.” 
The governor activated the State Shelter Hub and Host Shelter System which coordinates shelter and care for evacuees based on capacity availability in cities throughout the state. All participating jurisdictions are preparing for receipt of evacuees as early as Monday or Tuesday should the need arise. To date the City of Brownsville is the only jurisdiction to issue voluntary evacuations.
The state is working with federal partners to coordinate ground and air evacuation resources for the Rio Grande Valley special needs population if necessary. General residents who are unable to evacuate themselves will be aided by local state and federal resources in the event local leaders issue mandatory evacuations. The Alamo Regional Unified Command is coordinating logistical efforts to ensure evacuee needs are met and will organize transfers to hospitals shelters or other venues if necessary.
The State Operations Center remains at the highest level of activation around the clock and is conducting twice daily statewide conference calls with local elected officials first responders mass care providers the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Weather Service to assess the latest weather projections and to coordinate state and local preparation and response.
Although current projections place the center of Hurricane Dean making landfall in Northern Mexico the effects of this potentially catastrophic storm could extend 240-300 miles from that point threatening southern Texas communities.
08/19/07 UPDATE

In preparation for potential effects from Dean the governor today deployed the following resources:
• More than 1300 buses both school buses and commercial coaches are currently positioned at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Approximately 700 of these buses will be dispatched and pre-deployed to the Valley Region today.

• Between 60000 to 80000 barrels of gasoline are being transported to Valley Region gas stations today. An additional 25000 barrels will be sent tomorrow

• Texas Task Force 1 and 2 were deployed to the Valley Region to be pre-positioned for potential response and recovery efforts

• All oversize or overweight permitting requirements and fees for motor carriers involved in relief efforts were suspended with the exception of those carriers exceeding posted weight limits on bridges.
Texas Military Forces
4750 personnel with the potential of up to 10000
33 UH-60 and 14 CH47 utility and cargo military helicopters
Texas Sheriff’s Association
 200 deputy sheriffs to provide shelter operation security and escort of critical  commodities
Texas Forest Service
80 member Lone Star State Incident Management Team
4 Regional Incident Management Teams
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
125 Special Rescue Boats with 250 crews
Private Sector Mass Care Team
To provide coordination for shelter food and medical needs
• 1300 buses and drivers for potential transport of special needs evacuees are staging at the Alamodome in San Antonio which is serving as a logistics hub on Saturday and Sunday with additional buses as needed

• Alamo Regional Unified Command in San Antonio to serve as a shelter mass care and transportation hub.
The Texas Fire Chief’s Association through the statewide mutual aid agreement activated the following resources in response to Hurricane Dean to support state operations:
• 5 Strike Teams with 5 engines each
• 5 Heavy rescue units
• 1 Catastrophic Hazmat Unit
• The State Fuel Coordinator is coordinating the movement of fuel to coastal area retailers in preparation for Dean.
• The Texas Youth Commission (TYC) began evacuating its Evins facility yesterday. A total of 201 juveniles and 68 staff were transferred to TYC’s Brownwood facility. Caseworkers notified parents regarding the relocation in anticipation of possible landfall in South Texas.
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