Texas Democratic Party to Host Convention Delegate Workshop

Published: 11-29-07

(Austin TX) – Texas Democratic Party Chair Boyd Richie will be hosting an information session this Saturday for Democratic activists who are interested in becoming delegates to the State and National Democratic Conventions in 2008. 

The training is part of a statewide effort by the Texas Democratic Party to encourage diverse grassroots participation in the electoral process and ensure Texas’ delegation reflects our state’s cultural and geographical differences at the Party’s National Convention. 
At the training participants will be given detailed instructions on the delegate selection process how to use the Voter Action Network (VAN) how to become a precinct chair along with other useful information that will help activists organize in their community. Anyone interested in becoming involved with the Texas Democratic Party or attending the 2008 conventions is encouraged to attend.

“Democrats believe our government is best served when all people are given the opportunity to participate in the electoral process and I am proud that the Texas Democratic Party is poised to send one of the most diverse group of delegates to represent our state at the Democratic National Convention” said Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie.

“The road to the White House begins at the local level and this Delegate Selection Training is the first step for all who are interested in participating as the Democratic Party selects a presidential nominee who will pave the way for change in America” added Richie. 

The 2008 State Democratic Convention will be held June 6-7th in Austin Texas followed by the Democratic National Convention August 25-28th in Denver Colorado.  As the second most populous state in the country Texas will send 228 delegates to the National Convention.

WHO: Texas Democratic Party Representatives Local Elected Officials Democratic Activists

WHAT:  Workshop on Becoming a Delegate to Democratic National Convention

WHEN: Saturday December 1 2007 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: ACC Riverside Campus Bldg. G Lecture Hall 1020 Grove Blvd. Austin TX
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