Published: 06-27-07

Conservative ratings were accumulated from votes cast on 25 different issues appearing on Texas Eagle Forum’s 2007 Legislative Scorecard. Rep. Zedler voted against every tax increase and any expansion of gambling. He voted for the bill to enhance voter integrity to require voter photo identification and for Jessica’s Law aimed at protecting children from sexually violent predators.
Representative Zedler expressed appreciation for the award and continued "It remains my high honor to represent the constituents of District 96. I will continue to work for taxpayer protection limited government and strong family values."
The president of Texas Eagle Forum Cathie Adams said "State Representative Bill Zedler was one of only 16 Texas House members to earn recognition by our organization. We appreciate his commitment to Texas families on both social and economic issues throughout the 80th Texas legislative session."
Texas Eagle Forum is a statewide volunteer organization whose achievements prove that citizen-volunteers can affect government policies in the state legislature. Our mission is to enable conservative pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty respect for family integrity public and private virtue and private enterprise.