Unemployment Rate Now at 4.4 Percent
Published: 08-17-07
Published: 08-17-07

The unemployment rate is down significantly from 4.9 percent a year ago and below the current national unemployment rate of 4.6 percent. The state’s annual job growth rate is a strong 2.6 percent with Texas employers adding 265900 jobs over the past 12 months.
“Texas employers continue to create jobs at an exceptional pace reflecting the underlying strength of our state’s economy” said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chair Diane Rath. “By outpacing the national job growth rate Texas offers job seekers tremendous opportunities.”
The Midland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) experienced the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 3.2 percent (not seasonally adjusted). The Amarillo MSA was second at 3.7 percent followed by the Odessa MSA at 3.8 percent.
Several industries saw big gains this month with Professional & Business Services and Government leading the job numbers with increases of 5900 and 11000 positions respectively. Professional & Business Services now has a 5.0 percent annual job growth rate adding 61400 positions in the past 12 months. Other Services which includes repair and maintenance automotive shops and hair salons among many others also showed significant increases with 4900 jobs added in July.
“With more than 29000 jobs added this month Texas employers accounted for nearly a third of the 92000 U.S. jobs added in July” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Ron Lehman. “That’s a remarkable statement about the health of the Texas economy.”
Leisure & Hospitality and Trade Transportation & Utilities also showed strong numbers in July adding 3100 and 2700 positions respectively. The Natural Resources & Mining industry followed with 2300 jobs added in July and lead the state with the highest annual job growth rate at 9.8 percent.
“Our solid job growth statewide is good news for Texans who need jobs” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. “Since the beginning of the year Texas workers have had the opportunity to apply for more than 141000 job openings.”
The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the services it offers in unison with its network of local workforce development boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit www.texasworkforce.org.