Texas Home School Coalition Endorses Mike Pearce

Published: 02-14-08

width=65Former public school teacher earns endorsement of influential pro-family home school organization

HARKER HEIGHTS TEXAS (February 12 2008) – Mike Pearce Republican candidate for House District 55 (part of Bell County) announced yet another key endorsement today from an organization connected to a vital constituency.

A spokesman for the Texas Home School Coalition stated on behalf of their organization “We are pleased to announce our support of Mike Pearce in the race for Texas House of Representatives in the 55th district.” He continued in a written message to Pearce “Since we have endorsed you we would be happy to facilitate a mailing to our members in your district announcing our endorsement and encouraging our members’ support of your campaign.”

Mike Pearce responded to the announcement “I am proud to have earned the endorsement of the Texas Home School Coalition. I will be an unrelenting ally of home schoolers across the state and welcome their support. I have always supported the autonomy of parents to include their right to educate their children as they see fit.”

Pearce continued “I stand with the Texas Home School Coalition and their members in their struggle for the right to have their children participate in public school extra-curricular activities against unconstitutional daytime curfews and against outlandish custody lawsuits filed by other family members.” Pearce concluded “The institution of the family is the basis of our society and I will be a strong advocate in the State Legislature for ensuring that Texas respects the right of parents to raise their children in a manner that reflects their faith and values.”

In addition to the Texas Home School Coalition Pearce’s campaign has generated backing from a broad base of supporters including endorsements from Texas Eagle Forum PAC Empower Texans PAC Peggy Venable (State Director of Americans for Prosperity) and the Young Conservatives of Texas. He has also received endorsements from Republican leaders including State Board of Education members Terri Leo Ken Mercer and Gail Lowe.

Mike Pearce a former U.S. Marine taught in Bell County public schools for 10 years and received exemplary reviews for his innovative teaching methods from students parents and administrators. Pearce recently founded an educational company that sells a technology based curriculum to teachers in 29 states and two US territories. Mike has been married to his high school sweetheart Melanie for over 17 years and they are the proud parents of 6 wonderful children: Arianna Alexandra Evan Reganne Jillian and Laura.

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