Published: 10-19-07

Mr. Lambert said “Jeff Humber is a solid conservative across the board. He unabashedly articulates a strong pro-life position a dedication to protect the second amendment rights of Texans and an uncompromising commitment to limit state government and hold the line on taxes and state spending.”
Mr. Lambert explained the decision by THSC PAC to endorse Humber saying “Perhaps the most important issue to home school parents in Texas is the fundamental right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. Mr. Humber has convinced us that he will aggressively work in the legislature to protect that right for every parent in Texas.”
THSC PAC strongly urges the home school families and other voters of House District 97 to support Jeff Humber for State Representative in the special election on November 6 2007 and in early voting which begins October 19.