Texas is the leading home school state in the country and their support for morals education and family is astounding. Therefore its no surprise that hundreds of homeschoolers from across the state gathered on the front steps of the capitol yesterday along with Governor Perry and many senators and state representatives to show support for House Bill 2084 the Texas Parental Rights and Restoration Act.
Essentially the Texas Parental Rights and Restoration Act combats the Grandparent Statute Act giving parents the right to parent their children as they alone see fit. It also prevents grandparents from taking legal action against parents when they disagree with parenting styles.
Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams stated that a parent is the first and best educator of their children. The biggest reservoir of energy does not come from underneath the ground but from the youngsters standing on top of it."
These are some of the best and brightest students in the state of Texas" said Senator Dan Patrick in agreement with Williams. I know in this group there are future leaders."
State Representative Randy Weber encouraged homeschooler parents after reading a passage from Psalms 127.
You all are not lobbying in vain. Parents you have the right to teach your kids and to teach them about values. You have the right to add to that value-teaching the freedom that comes from not having to fear what the legislature does. Parents have the right to expect that we as officials should promote legislation in the atmosphere where youre free from intervention.
We dont have to give in to the slogan It takes a village to raise a child."
State representative Wayne Christian also commended homeschool parents for their efforts to raise kids in a way that teaches strong principled morals and is not always seen as a popular way to educate.
You are creating the solid grass-groundroots for our future and children who will carry the values that founded this country and made it great. Dont ever let people stop you who try and say anything negative about homeschoolers. I will stand your children up against any other group that says ours are better.
We face a day and age where we were told by the head of the Chambers of Commerce in the state of Texas that a public school graduate in the state of Texas was functionally illiterate for the workforce.
Its not the fault good teachers good administrators good folks who have dedicated their life to educate our children It is from a society where the family has fallen apart.
Governor Perry declared April 5-11 to be Homeschool Week in Texas and said that alongside the exemplary homeschooled students were the most extraordinary teachers."
Thank you for being reflective of the great values that this state was founded upon."
Perry agreed with Representative Weber that government should step away from how parents choose to rear their children.
For those who choose to teach at home I believe government regulations should top at your front door."
Perry also acknowledged the many accomplishments that had come about because of homeschooler support and lobbying.
In the 1990s homeschoolers drove the decision to allow driving education to be administered by parents and in 2003 the law was made to require Texas state colleges and universities to use the same standards for acceptance regardless of where the education came from be it at home in a public or private school.
A call to action was made to homeschoolers and their parents: to call their state representative and lobby for support of the Texas Parental Rights and Restoration Act.