Texas Hospital Association Endorses Rep. Veronica Gonzales for Texas HD41

Published: 02-01-08

AUSTIN (January 25 2008) – The Texas Hospital Association’s state political action committee HOSPAC has endorsed state Rep. Veronica Gonzales (D-McAllen) for Texas House District 41.

One of the largest hospital associations in the country THA represents more than 85 percent of the state’s hospitals and health care systems which employ some 340000 health care professionals statewide. The 33-member HOSPAC board makes endorsements based on a candidate’s position on health care issues and input from local hospital representatives.
“With one in every four Texans lacking health insurance coverage the state has the highest rate of uninsured residents in the nation. This problem affects every Texan even those who have health insurance and it has broad implications for businesses and government as well as for providers and payers” said Dan Stultz M.D. FACP FACHE president/chief executive officer of the Texas Hospital Association. “Texas has an uninsured crisis and the Legislature must take action in 2009.”

Stultz noted that in making endorsements the HOSPAC Board reviews incumbents’ voting records seeks input from local hospital leaders and interviews candidates. “Veronica Gonzales has indicated a willingness to work with hospitals to address health care issues. Texas hospitals want to work with lawmakers on new policies that will make health insurance more accessible and affordable. Addressing the uninsured issue will help preserve access to hospital services for everyone by relieving some of the pressure caused by other issues such as workforce shortages and escalating costs for supplies and pharmaceuticals” he added.

“While the Texas Legislature has made important progress by removing Children’s Health Insurance Program barriers to enrollment for some 130000 young people and creating a framework for Medicaid reform that may allow premium assistance to low-income working families government programs alone cannot fix the problem Stultz noted. “The 2008 elections provide the opportunity to elect candidates who will work with large and small employers consumers insurers doctors and hospitals to fix our broken health care system” he said.  “Good health is the foundation for education and a sound economy. Texas has to make progress in 2009” he added.

Founded in 1930 the Texas Hospital Association is the leadership organization and principal advocate for the state’s hospitals and health care systems. Based in Austin THA enhances its members’ abilities to improve accessibility quality and cost-effectiveness of health care for Texans.
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