AUSTIN--- The Texas House of Representatives on Tuesday unanimously passed House Bill 4067 by Rep. Veronica Gonzales (D-McAllen) creating the Bureau for Economic Development of the Border Region a public-private partnership geared at spurring the economy of the Texas and Mexico border.
The border region is an economic driver of the state of Texas and we need to capitalize on all the area has to offer Gonzales said. The bureau will provide recommendations direction and leadership to ensure our border communities make the best economic development decisions.
St. Marys University in San Antonio has agreed to house the bureau that will research and study the borders economy evaluate tax-funded economic development projects and provide reports to state leaders on how to improve the economy develop transportation infrastructure and improve trade. The bureau will consult with state agencies regarding border-related tourism and provide the legislature with reports on the regions opportunities. It will also provide border residents economic and financial education.
The bill creates an appointed seven member steering committee serving two-year terms that will provide expertise in education financial planning development construction and engineering. The bureau will be funded through a combination of state money federal grants and private funding.
HB 4067 now heads to the Senate for consideration.