By Jim Cardle
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Goats and heroes heels & champions ... our annual rundown of the just adjourned Legislative Sessions Best Worst & Honorable Mentions follows.
Simply the Best and Hate to say it but the Worst too.
Simply the Best
Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst-Republican: The Senate held all of the cards at the end because Dewhurst played the cards well. In a crunch of a session the Lieutenant

Governor provided the leadership on virtually every major issue most Texas constituents cared about.
Senator Kevin Eltife-RepublicanTyler: For trying to negotiate a compromise on unemployment insurance. Eltife looks to be the voice of steadiness and reason. He also handles the duties of the presiding officer with great skill and respect for his colleagues.
Senator Robert Nichols-Republican Jacksonville: Governor Rick Perry loves to quote Sam Houston with his saying Do right and damn the consequences." Nichols abides by those words. He actually takes the time to understand what is right what he is doing and what is in the best interest of the state then acts accordingly.
Senator Steve Ogden-Republican Bryan: His personality might be prickly and difficult but he protects the taxpayer and works with his colleagues. Like Nichols Ogden invests time in understanding his options and the needs/wants of others. Along with the Lieutenant Governor and the Senate Finance Committee he crafted and negotiated a very fine budget deal.
Senator Leticia Van de Putte-Democrat San Antonio: Her work with veterans & their families included SB 90 related to expanding Education Opportunities for military children making school transition easier when they move to Texas. While her worthwhile attempt to create jobs for veterans by making some Veterans organizations HUBs (historically underutilized businesses) failed did pass the scratch-off lottery ticket with proceeds going to Veterans programs assisting the state for additional services to veterans.
Senator Royce West-Democrat Dallas: His work on the education portion of the budget actually saved taxpayers millions of dollars and he stuck to his word with his colleagues as well. No senator more artfully accomplishes his goals or represents his district.
Speaker Pro Tempore Craig EilandDemocrat Galveston: Conducted the House during the ridiculous chubbing better than could be hoped. Works exceptionally well with all sides on the many issues he understands like insurance pensions and appropriations. Might be the next speaker.
Representative Ryan Guillen-Democrat Rio Grande City: Last session his local bill stirred great controversy over procedure. Guillen served in important positions last session and accepted his demotion to a lesser role by working with leadership and his own caucus to address real issues for South Texas.
Representative Carl Isett-Republican Lubbock: No one virtually no one worked harder than the Chair of the Sunset Advisory Commission during interim between Sessions only to have 5-day chub-marathon undertaken by House Dems kill some of the most thoughtful government reforms proposed this session. Almost rescued TxDOT Sunset Bill as Chair of Conference Committee - Special Session anyone?.
Representative John Otto-Republican Dayton: Thank goodness someone understands tax policy in the room. Otto continues to demonstrate his value on this critical issue. Nice job on his subcommittee on Appropriations and representing rural interests on the conference committee on the budget.
Representative Jim Pitts-RepublicanWaxahachie: Though consistantly wrong (again) about paying for Reading Textbook materials for Texas schoolchildren cutting funding to 85 did save the Rainy Day Fund helped raise the exemption for small business on franchise taxes paid the bill for Hurricane Ike balanced the budget and respected the

interests of Republicans and Democrats in an evenly divided chamber.
Representative Sid Miller-Republican Stephenville: Knowing the rules and using them to your advantage serves as one of the most important skills for a legislator. Miller skillfully & bravely killed terrible bill by Rep. Solomons most felt increased rates for electric customers. He reemerged as posible future statewide leader for conservative causes on important issues.
Representative John ZerwasRepublican Richmond: Other than saving Ed Kuempels life the House doctor in just his 2nd term also managed the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health & Human Services with great respect for all sides while protecting taxpayers.
Hate to say it but the Worst
Senator John Carona-Republican Dallas: While Kudos still deserved here for taking on the biggest and still yet-to-be-resolved issue of importance for Texas motorists the local option transportation tax issue pretty much summed up his efforts for session. After taxpayers & state leaders rejected it Carona threw fit killing TxDOT Sunset bill and accused Senator Hegar of Caronas own failures.
Senator Robert Duncan-Republican Lubbock: A remarkably well-regarded man that serves the interests of Texas Tech his law firm and his friends. The Lieutenant Governor took him off the conference committee on the budget for good reason.
Senator Eliot Shapleigh-Democrat El Paso: Fights with his own El Paso folks along with anyone else he cares to fight and for what purpose? None above his personal and extremely parochial interests. Continued quixotic support a Texas personal income tax.
Senator Judith Zaffirini-Democrat Laredo: Whatever UT wants UT gets. Because that is what her constituents and the rest of the state need in the chair of Higher Education. (Please note sarcasm.) Worked (very) hard to kill some very good higher education bills for working students.
Representative Yvonne Davis-Democrat Dallas: Torpedoing local bills shows a kind of courage. Torpedoing local bills in anger with little regard for consequences on any side shows a complete lack of forethought. Davis picked fights with several chairman including that of her own partisan caucus.
Representative Jim Dunnam-Democrat Waco: Demonstrates his active and sharp mind far too often. Early on he looked brilliant for his manipulation of the ABCs to oust Craddick. His darker side came ominously through on Voter ID in the strategy for wasting time on the local calendar. If the election for chair of the House Democrat Caucus was held tomorrow he might lose to Anyone But Dunnam.
Representative Rob Eissler-Republican The Woodlands: From the last minute killing of Charter School expansion to revising school accountability Eissler willingly handed reins of House Public Education Committee to Democrat Scott Hochberg of Houston and bragged about it to his own Caucus behind closed doors. Performance disappoints conservatives who already wonder about his future plans as he sold out to the education establishment.
Representative Roland Gutierrez-Democrat San Antonio: What an arrogant display for a freshman he made! Hard to find anyone that respects him after his continual berating of others with haughty questioning. Takes a lot for a freshman to get on this list but Gutierrez is the worst in quite a while.
Representative David Leibowitz-Democrat San Antonio: For a fairly successful attorney he fails to grasp the public policy he wants to change. His work on the Department of Transportation Sunset Bill showed an incoherent strategy. And while vote on the Department of Insurance Sunset bill shares importance with many things threatening to force a special session showed lack of respect for the time wasted on the local calendar.
Representative Tommy Merritt-Republican Longview: Argued rather openly and loudly with several members in his own caucus on voter ID served as an informant to the opposing caucus lost or fired his own committee clerk multiple times and made a mockery of issues and procedure in his committee.
Representative Burt Solomons- Republican Carrollton: Solomons wanted to be and was in the running for Speaker slot at the beginning of the Session and narrowly lost to less-tested Joe Straus of San Antonio. Notice the past tense. After he nastily killed Rep. Sid Millers local bills in anger for Miller using a point of order to kill Solomons anti-consumer protection bill on electricity even close friends have abandoned his team. A bright talented and thoughtful member his lack of temperament has long been his downfall.
Special Mentions
Senator Tommy Williams- Republican The Woodlands: Before anyone else recognized the Voter ID/Voter Integrity idea is important enough to change the procedure that previously allowed preference to the petty partisan interests of some unscrupulous greedy grassroots crooks - and then did something about it.
Representative Tom Craddick-Republican Midland: Long before he was Speaker he showed members how to behave after losing. By all accounts regarded as a true class act by those who vanquished him. His conservative leadership for Texas transcends 2009 position. With ready cash on hand a return to significant position of power should be expected as election approaches.
Representative Richard Raymond-Democrat Laredo: Unfortunately someone took the mantle of Paul Moreno and descended to special order speeches. The people of Texas need less speech-making and more action to protect the integrity of their vote - hypocritically spoke for rights of those alleged to be disenfranchised by this years Voter ID Bill after having been one of leaders to disenfranchise military & overseas voters a couple Sessions ago. Also showed with his work on the budget potential for a bright future.
Speaker Joe Straus-Republican San Antonio: The House membership certainly guided this Sessions discussion as Straus stuck to his promises to have that occur. House members choose a Speaker that allowed others to lead. Only time will tell if the rest of the state (especially the grassroots) agrees Straus leadership and promises were a good thing. Senate wondering why he walked away at close of Session leaving Snators & handful of issues pending.