Texas is No. 1 in Electricity

Competition is Watt Matters peggy-venableAUSTIN A study released Monday reveals that for the third year in a row Texas has been rated No. 1 in residential electricity competition and No. 1 for the second year in a row in commercial energy competition. Lone Star State consumers have benefited from a competitive electricity marketplace" said Peggy Venable state director of Americans for Prosperity We have good news in Texas and it is not result of a top-down regulatory regime but of allowing the free market to work. Consumers like choices and have taken advantage of those opportunities in selecting their electricity providers." Texas leads the nation in wind turbine capacity and wind energy production. States which have vibrant energy markets have experienced rapid growth in renewable generation. We Texans like to brag" said Venable. The Texas Legislature has opened the electricity marketplace and consumers have responded." Most consumers have 130 different offers and four out of five consumers have exercised their ability to choose. Consumers are the beneficiaries of a vibrant electricity marketplace according to the new study. The Annual Baseline Assessment of Choice in Canada and the United States (ABACCUS) results evaluating the effectiveness of retail choice in the electricity industry were released Monday. The study Assessment of Restructured Electricity Markets is a project of the Energy Retailer Research Consortium. Unfortunately not all consumers have the opportunity to choose their provider" said Venable. Those of us in municipally-owned utility regions and those in co-ops cant choose other providers until the cities and co-op boards elect to allow competition. And that could be a freezing cold August day in Texas before that happens." The Lone Star State has been ranked first in residential and commercial electricity restructuring and benefits derived to residential and commercial consumers. Consumer choice has helped provide lower prices and more alternatives for consumers in every state which has embraced free market competition. For an overview of the study go to: http://www.competecoalition.com/blog/2009/12/energy-retailer-research-consortium-competitive-electricity-markets-are-thriving/
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