Texas Participates in National Terrorism Prevention Protection Exercise

perry-shaAUSTIN The State of Texas this week launched Operation Texas Watch which is part of the five-day National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) focused on terrorism prevention and protection coordinated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  As part of this exercise local state federal and select international partners are focusing on intelligence and information sharing for the purpose of terrorism prevention and protection.  The exercise is designed to gauge coordination among varying agencies and the overall level of preparedness the nation has achieved for terrorist attacks. A key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission was to increase the level of information sharing among all levels of government" Gov. Perry said.  This exercise is an important step in increasing our state and nations preparedness for all types of disasters and I am pleased that the federal government has recognized the importance of engaging the many agencies participating in this exercise." In addition to Texas participating states include Arizona New Mexico Oklahoma and Louisiana.  The states will be presented with a scenario in which a terrorist attack has occurred outside the U.S. and will then be charged with implementing a response to prevent the subsequent efforts by terrorists to enter the U.S. and carry out further attacks. In Texas this charge means executing the response laid out in the State Emergency Management Plan and the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan 2005-2010.  These plans include a coordinated effort among local state and federal agencies and private sector partners.  Operation Texas Watch will be coordinated from the Texas State Operations Center in Austin.  Texas participants include: •           Border Star Unified Commands •           East Harris County Manufacturers Association •           El Paso Intelligence Center •           FBI Field Offices (Dallas Houston El Paso San Antonio) •           Houston Police Department •           Houston Regional Intelligence Service Center (Houston Fusion Center) •           Joint Operations and Intelligence Centers (JOICs) •           Joint Terrorism Task Forces •           Protective Security Advisors •           San Antonio Fusion Center •           Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission •           Texas Attorney Generals Office •           Texas Border Security Operations Center •           Regional Councils of Government •           Texas Department of Criminal Justice •           Governors Office of Homeland Security •           Texas Department of Public Safety •           Texas Emergency Management Council •           Texas Fusion Center (TFC) •           Governors Division of Emergency Management •           Texas National Guard •           Texas Parks and Wildlife Department •           Texas Railroad Commission •           Texas State Operations Center The completion of the exercise will be followed by an after-action assessment to determine best practices and lessons learned.
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