Texas Schools Recieve $11 Million From Stiumulus Funds for New Kitchen Equipment

 Upgrades will allow more nutritious food preparation increased energy efficiency width=122 AUSTIN Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples today announced 381 Texas schools will be awarded more than $11 million worth of new kitchen equipment as part of the federal stimulus package administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The new kitchen equipment will provide greater energy efficiency and increase the nutritional value of school meals by replacing deep-frying cooking methods and allowing for greater use of fresh ingredients.  The kitchen equipment purchased with these funds will allow schools to provide more nutritious meals to Texas school children and also help in the fight against childhood obesity" Commissioner Staples said. I am very proud of the accomplishments of our Texas schools as they take another step toward encouraging the 3Es of Healthy Living Education Exercise and Eating Right."  When TDA announced the funds would be available the agency received an overwhelming response from more than 3000 schools that needed to replace more than $135 million in width=137lunchroom equipment. With the available funding 381 Texas schools will be able to purchase a total of 939 pieces of new kitchen equipment such as ovens freezers steam tables and food processors.  This is fantastic" said Carmen Ocanas-Lerma director for Child Nutrition Services at McAllen Independent School District a selected funding recipient. We are currently producing meals on equipment that is over 20 and 30 years old so were in dire straits. We look forward to making much-needed improvements because the kids deserve better. The funding will allow us to offer better meals and better service."  Eligible school districts are required to participate in the National School Lunch Program. Priority was given to those districts with a significant number of students eligible for free or reduced-cost meals. Funds must be used to improve the quality safety and efficiency of delivering school meals. The money can be used to replace upgrade or update food service equipment. A complete list of recipients and equipment can be found at www.SquareMeals.org/ARRA.
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