Published: 01-23-09
Texas Remains More than a Full Percentage Point Below National Rate
AUSTIN — Texas’ seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 6.0 percent in December while the U.S. unemployment rate climbed to 7.2 percent. Texas’ unemployment rate has consistently remained well below the national rate for the past year. The Texas unemployment rate for December is up from 5.7 percent in November and 4.2 percent a year ago.
Texas’ seasonally adjusted nonagricultural employment fell by 25700 jobs in December. Texas employers now have added 153600 jobs in the past 12 months compared with job losses of 2.6 million nationwide during the same period.
“Our state’s economy has been fairly resilient during these months of economic uncertainty but the national economic storm has reached Texas” said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Tom Pauken. “The challenge we face now is to minimize the impact of the national trends by continuing to promote our strong business climate and address the skills needs of Texas employers.”
Leisure and Hospitality gained 3800 positions in December for an industry gain of 31800 jobs in the past year. Other Services which includes automotive electronic and commercial repair and maintenance grew by 1600 jobs this month adding 4400 jobs in the past 12 months.
Texas saw broad industry losses in December. Hardest hit were Trade Transportation and Utilities and Manufacturing with losses of 8100 and 8000 jobs respectively. Texas’ over-the-year figures fared better with nine of 11 industries posting positive job growth.
“The Texas unemployment rate continued to follow the national unemployment rate’s upward trend” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. “For the first time since 2004 our state hit the 6.0 percent unemployment mark after record lows of 4.2 percent just a year ago.”
The Midland MSA experienced the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 3.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted). The Amarillo and Lubbock MSAs were second at 3.8 percent followed by the Odessa MSA at 3.9 percent.
“Despite the loss of jobs in December Texas employers have added a significant number of jobs in the past 12 months while the United States has lost millions of jobs” said TWC Commissioner Representing the Public Andres Alcantar. “Our state leaders have laid a strong foundation for Texas as a business-friendly state with low taxes and less regulation and that foundation will be crucial in the months ahead.”