Texas Unemployment Rate Rises to 6.4 Percent

Texas Remains More than a Full Percentage Point Below National Rate                width=65AUSTIN Texas seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 6.4 percent in January while the U.S. unemployment rate climbed to 7.6 percent. Texas unemployment rate has consistently remained well below the national rate for the past year. The Texas unemployment rate for January is up from a revised 5.6 percent in December and 4.4 percent a year ago. Texas seasonally adjusted nonagricultural employment fell by 75800 jobs in January. Texas employers showed a net loss of 5300 jobs over the year compared with job losses of 3.5 million nationwide during the same period. Through October Texas annual job growth far surpassed every state in the nation at 161000 jobs. The national economic crisis is beginning to have a serious negative impact on our Texas economy" said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Tom Pauken. Industry losses hit Manufacturing and Trade Transportation and Utilities sectors the hardest down 38100 and 26600 jobs respectively. Trade Transportation and Utilities includes wholesale and retail trades air and rail transportation and transmission of electric power and natural gas. Texas year-over-year figures continued to fare better with more than half of the industry sectors still posting positive job growth and several industries showing gains in January. Education and Health Services grew by 3200 positions for an industry gain of 50100 jobs in the past year. Leisure and Hospitality continued its growth trend adding 1600 jobs in January and 17400 jobs in the past 12 months. Although the unemployment rate in Texas is lower than in other parts of the country it has gone up in recent months and we are concerned" said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. I encourage job seekers to seek assistance at more than 240 Texas workforce centers providing help with work search skills training and other services." The Midland MSA experienced the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 3.8 percent (not seasonally adjusted). The Amarillo MSA was second at 4.6 percent followed by the Lubbock MSA at 4.7 percent. The challenging national and global economic conditions are having a profound effect on Texas" said TWC Commissioner Representing the Public Andres Alcantar. The annual March statistical revisions in the job growth and unemployment numbers reflect the collection of more accurate end-of-the year data.  2008 job growth and unemployment have been adjusted accordingly.
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