Texas unemployment at 6.7 percent compared with U.S. rate of 8.9 percent

AUSTIN Texas unemployment rate remained unchanged in April at 6.7 percent and continued to trend well below the national rate of 8.9 percent. The U.S. rate was 8.5 percent in March. The Texas unemployment rate stood at 4.6 percent in April 2008.
Texas seasonally adjusted nonagricultural employment fell by 39500 jobs in April. Texas has recorded a net loss of 173900 jobs in the past 12 months compared with job losses of 5.2 million in the United States during the same period.
While the Texas unemployment rate remains substantially lower than the national rate it is of real concern that Texans who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own are having a difficult time finding employment" said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Tom Pauken. Continued unemployment claims remain much higher than a year ago."
The largest over-the-month drop occurred in Professional and Business Services with a loss of 20100 jobs in April followed by Trade Transportation and Utilities with a loss of 15400 jobs.
Leisure and Hospitality posted the largest industry gain in April with an additional 10600 jobs. Education and Health Services added 4500 jobs representing an annual job growth rate of 4.5 percent.
TWC and the 28 local workforce development boards continue to work to help Texans find jobs" said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. Federal funds are providing more than $200 million additional dollars for workforce programs."
Manufacturing employment recorded a loss of 13300 jobs over the month. Mining and Logging employment decreased by 5500 jobs and employment in Construction declined by 3200 jobs in April.
The Amarillo Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) experienced the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 4.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted). The Lubbock MSA recorded the second lowest unemployment rate at 4.2 percent. The College Station-Bryan and Midland MSAs tied for third lowest at 4.5 percent.
Its fortunate that some job losses were offset by job gains in Leisure and Hospitality as well as Education and Health Services" said TWC Commissioner Representing the Public Andres Alcantar.
In the industries where jobs were lost our workforce boards stand ready to aid these individuals."