Texas Unemployment Rate Up Slightly to 6.5 Percent

Texas rate more than one and a half percentage points below the U.S.                width=65AUSTIN Texas seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 6.5 percent in February while the U.S. unemployment rate climbed to 8.1 percent. Texas unemployment rate continues to trend well below the national rate. The Texas unemployment rate is up slightly from 6.4 percent in January and 4.5 percent in February 2008. Texas seasonally adjusted nonagricultural employment fell by 46100 in February. Revised data showed Texas employers lost 55900 jobs in January. Texas recorded a net loss of 62600 in the past 12 months compared with job losses of 4.2 million nationwide during the same period. Texans are facing tough economic times now with significant statewide job losses" said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Tom Pauken. However the Texas unemployment rate remains far below that of other large states and the nation as a whole." Education and Health Services added 14700 jobs in February for an industry gain of 58600 positions in the past year. Mining and Logging employment grew by 1600 in February adding 15700 jobs over the last 12 months. Industry losses hit Professional and Business Services and Construction the hardest down 27000 and 15500 jobs respectively. The numbers of reported job losses make unemployment more challenging and TWC is intensifying our assistance to job seekers" said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. Help with work search skills training and other services are available at workforce centers across the state." The Midland MSA experienced the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 3.9 percent (not seasonally adjusted). The Amarillo and Lubbock MSAs tied for second at 4.5 percent. Texas is feeling the effects of the national and global economic conditions with job losses across many industries last month" said TWC Commissioner Representing the Public Andres Alcantar. Compared with the national situation Texas continues to record relatively fewer job losses and lower unemployment."
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