Texas Veterans Leadership Program Success Featured in VFW Magazine

tom-paukenAUSTIN The success of the Texas Workforce Commissions (TWC) Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP) has garnered international recognition in the September 2009 issue of the Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Magazine. The magazine which reaches 1.4 million readers worldwide highlights TVLP in an article entitled Texas Program Aids Returning Vets." A copy of the article appears at the following link:  http://www.texasworkforce.org/tvlp/vfwmagarticle_sept09.pdf  The story notes that TVLP has assisted more than 2100 veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan since it was launched in September 2008. TVLP is modeled after the successful Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program established by TWC Chairman Tom Pauken during the Reagan administration.  TVLP is a program of veterans helping veterans find work and achieve successful transitions into civilian life" said Pauken who himself is a veteran and a member of VFW Post 6796 in Dallas. The VFW Magazine article is a wonderful opportunity to add awareness to the program and help us reach even more returning veterans."  Under the leadership of Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Jason Doran whose military career spans 20 years 28 Veterans Resource and Referral Specialists (VRRSs) based in local workforce development board areas across Texas assist their fellow veterans with job-search activities training opportunities and other resources. The greatest thing we offer our fellow veterans is direction" Doran said. We connect them with TWC services and other assistance that is out there." Details about TVLP and its services are available at http://www.twc.state.tx.us/tvlp/tvlp.html Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliaries whose mission is to honor the dead by helping the living" through veterans service community service national security and a strong national defense include 2.2 million members in more than 8000 posts worldwide.
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