Richard Perez President & CEO
The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Published: 12-03-08
Yesterday approximately 50000 Texans rolled out of bed had their morning coffee and headed off to work for the aerospace and defense industry. They work in such geographically diverse places as Dallas El Paso San Antonio and Kingsville. Some build airplanes and helicopters others provide critical maintenance repair and overhaul operations and still more support our nations’ satellites and missile defenses and manage the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.
Around 4500 of those Texans work for The Boeing Company one of the world’s leading aerospace companies and the largest manufacturer of commercial and military aircraft. Boeing arrived in Texas more than four decades ago with a focus on helping America win the space race at NASA’s groundbreaking Johnson Space Center.
Since that time Boeing’s presence in Texas has continued to grow. In the DFW Metroplex approximately 1000 Boeing employees provide parts and services for commercial and military aircraft while El Paso serves as a key site for manufacturing defense electronics for the F-15 and F-18 warfighters as well as support for the Future Combat Systems program.
For me the most significant impact has undoubtedly been the rebirth of San Antonio’s Kelly Air Force Base. After falling victim to Congress in the Base Realignment and Closure program the former Air Logistics Center has been transformed from industrial blight to a thriving aerospace and industrial complex and a major transportation hub now known as Port San Antonio. As the anchor tenant Boeing has played a major role in the continued growth and prosperity for this area. According to a recent UTSA study Port San Antonio had an annual economic impact of $2.5 billion and helped employ over 17000 people.
But it takes more than just those 4500 Boeing employees to make all that aerospace and defense magic happen. Boeing relies on literally hundreds of suppliers and vendors in 63 Texas counties to keep up with the demands for their products and services. In fact Boeing spends $1.9 billion with their 1300 Texas suppliers every year. Some of Boeing’s most prominent San Antonio suppliers include North American Aircraft Services Triumph Vanguard WWT M-7 and AP Aerospace Products.
Whether it is the Boeing employees who benefit from the above average wages ($68000 per year – 26 higher than the average manufacturing wage according to a 2005 University of Texas at El Paso study) or everyone else who benefits from the local economic impacts – the bottom line is this – what is good for Boeing is good for Texas and what is good for Texas is good for each and every Texan.
San Antonio is truly blessed to have a world-class company like Boeing anchoring our aerospace industry providing quality high-paying jobs to our citizens and helping to ensure the continued growth of Port San Antonio.