Congressman Pete Sessions
Published 08-10-07
Published 08-10-07

The escalating costs of energy are burdening families and businesses across America with high electricity bills gasoline prices and home heating costs.
In addition to the financial burden on many Americans our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of oil raises critical issues of national and economic security.
Furthermore the principles of supply and demand are at least partially responsible for driving up energy costs and influencing American competitiveness as nations such as China search for resources worldwide for their increasing energy consumption.

However House Democrats have a fundamentally different view of how America should seek energy independence—an agenda that includes punitive tax increases for consuming energy and increased government regulation to force energy standards on the private sector.
Last Saturday the House passed the so-called New Direction for Energy Independence National Security and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 3221) which oddly enough creates no new American energy supplies of any kind.
Instead H.R. 3221 makes us more dependent on foreign oil by increasing taxes and fees on domestic oil and gas production thereby creating incentives for more foreign importation. With over $15 billion of tax increases this bill is a step in the wrong direction. Unfortunately American taxpayers would likely bear the brunt of the energy tax increases with higher prices for gasoline and home heating.
As the President’s Administration rightly noted “It makes little sense at a time of high energy costs to reduce domestic production or to otherwise make America more dependent on foreign sources of energy."
Additionally this legislation proposes “energy solutions" at the expense of American taxpayers. With the creation of a $6 billion slush fund for “green pork" projects your tax dollars could soon be subsidizing hybrid snowmobiles a fake rainforest in Iowa or bonds for a shopping center construction that contains a few solar panels.
With no accountably measures or certification requirements this bill provides no way of ensuring that the $6 billion fund is actually used to reduce greenhouse gases or fossil fuel consumption.
Lastly H.R. 3221 includes unprecedented regulation of building codes and energy efficiency standards that will likely preempt state and local codes. While I fully support energy efficiency and conservation I do not believe that the American people will appreciate the “Washington knows best" mentality that regulates instead of providing incentives for energy efficiency.
Instead of this deeply-flawed bill I supported the Republican alternative to extend present conservation and renewable energy production incentives including consumer-based incentives such as solar power hybrid cars and energy efficiency upgrades to existing homes. Additionally our plan included the following measures:
* Geothermal solar and hydrogen energy research and development
* Loan guarantees for nuclear energy
* Advanced technologies for plug-in hybrids and innovative vehicle batteries
* Responsible exploration and production of oil and gas in Alaska and the outer continental shelf
* Loan guarantees for nuclear energy
* Advanced technologies for plug-in hybrids and innovative vehicle batteries
* Responsible exploration and production of oil and gas in Alaska and the outer continental shelf
Unfortunately the Republican alternative was defeated and H.R. 3221 passed the House. If America is to achieve energy independence Congress must offer tax incentives for domestic production and alternative energy research – not tax increases on domestic oil and gas production at the expense of the American people. Please be assured that I will work with my colleagues to support effective alternative energy research and production that will facilitate our nation toward real energy independence.
Update: Closing the Terrorist Loophole
As you may remember last week I highlighted the critical need to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by addressing the “terrorist loophole" that prevents our government from consistently tracking foreign terrorists on foreign soil without a court order.

Last Friday the House voted down the House Democrats’ deeply-flawed FISA bill that would actually expand the terrorist loophole by requiring a FISA Court order to collect foreign intelligence on foreign targets in foreign countries.
I am relieved however that on Saturday the House passed the Senate version of a FISA reform bill that will enable our intelligence community to track foreign terrorist communication on foreign soil for the next six months.
While the measure only temporarily closes the terrorist loophole I am grateful that Congress recognized the need to address this critical issue and I will continue working with my colleagues to implement permanent reform that gives our intelligence community the tools it needs to track foreign terrorists and protect American citizens.
August District Work Period
As you may know each August I have the opportunity to return from Washington DC and spend a month in my congressional district meeting with people to discuss their views about the work of Congress and the direction of America.
As a Member of Congress I value my constituents’ opinions and appreciate the opportunity to work with them to determine solutions for the challenges affecting citizens in our community and across America. In the coming weeks I look forward to updating you about my work in North Texas.
As you may know each August I have the opportunity to return from Washington DC and spend a month in my congressional district meeting with people to discuss their views about the work of Congress and the direction of America.
As a Member of Congress I value my constituents’ opinions and appreciate the opportunity to work with them to determine solutions for the challenges affecting citizens in our community and across America. In the coming weeks I look forward to updating you about my work in North Texas.