Barbara Cargill State Board of Education District 8
Published: 11-17-08
I send you heartfelt thanks for re-electing me to the State Board of Education! It is a great privilege to represent you and your children and I look forward to serving as a conservative voice on the SBOE for four more years.
Update on State Board of Education news:
Last spring the SBOE voted on the revised English Language Arts and Reading curriculum standards. This was a three-year process involving the input of teachers students parents and business professionals.
After listening to constituents from all across my 24-county district I voted for traditional English instruction that emphasizes phonics grammar spelling vocabulary punctuation and research-based writing. Reading comprehension standards stress student understanding from various genres: fiction non-fiction poetry and drama. Traditional and classic literary selections emphasize moral lessons and secondary students will practice compiling resumes and sample job and college applications. The enhanced focus on each of these skills will better prepare our children as they enter college or the workforce.
In addition the SBOE voted 10-5 to approve curriculum standards for an elective Bible course offered in high schools. The course focuses on teaching the history art music and literature of the Bible. This is a wonderful elective that many students will enjoy!
Here is a description of a few of the items that are on the agenda for our four-day meeting November 16-19. To see a complete copy go to the Texas Education Agency website at The agenda is posted under “State Board of Education and Commissioner” (on the left). After that screen appears click on “Meeting Schedule and Agendas” (on the right).
1. Approval to Proceed with Options for Graduation Credit for Athletics: This item requests approval to proceed with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) writing process for course options for graduation credit for athletics.
2. Discussion of Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 112 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science Subchapter A Elementary Subchapter B Middle School and Subchapter C High School: This item provides the opportunity for the committee to discuss proposed revisions to the science curriculum standards. The curriculum standards for all K-12 science courses are being revised by workgroups composed of teachers and business professionals. Public testimony begins on November 19th. Much of the debate will be about how evolution is taught; more specifically it will focus on the origin of life. There is much disagreement about this issue so a sound teaching strategy is to allow students to discuss the controversy. A healthy debate about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses will engage students and strengthen their critical thinking and decision-making skills. We want to educate our students---not indoctrinate them by letting them hear only one side of the issue. If you want to give your opinion in this debate see Action Items below.
3. Discussion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Review Panel Recommendations: This item provides the opportunity for the committee to hear the final recommendations from the CTE review panel regarding revisions to the career and technical education curriculum and advanced technical credit. Many of my nominees from District 8 have been serving on CTE writing panels for several months. Thank you for your dedication and hard work to improve the curriculum standards for these important courses!
*YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please take a look at the proposed K-12 science curriculum standards by going to the following link. There are directions for giving your input. We need to hear from you!
*Testifying before the SBOE in Austin is another option. To sign up please call the Texas Education Agency on the Friday or Monday before a Board meeting. We will meet again January 21-23 (first vote on science TEKS) and March 25-27 (final vote). The number is 512-463-9007. It is critical that conservatives share their thoughts on how science is taught in our state.
*Six science experts were nominated by SBOE members to review the revised TEKS. Their feedback is now posted:
It was my privilege to nominate Dr. Ralph Seelke who is currently a professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.
Harriett and Amie Fabrick authors of Furello and the Furello Achieves teaching program proudly announce another milestone developed for the sightless dyslexic and difficult-to-teach individual. These books are for children of all ages and can be heard or read by accessing and clicking onto any of the audio books. Additional stories songs games crossword puzzles and testing programs will be added periodically.
Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it! I hope that your holiday season is a special one as you celebrate with family and friends. Again thank you for allowing me to represent you and your children on the SBOE.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
God bless
Barbara Cargill State Board of Education District 8