The Gift that Just Keeps on Giving

By Gary Bauer - End of the Day Report width=65Welfare For Jihadists? The Obama Administration is the gift that just keeps on giving." National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair speaking about those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) who are likely to be released in the United States under new policies adopted by Obama pointed out that the prisoners would have to get some sort of welfare to help them start their new lives in the good old US of A. Director Blair apparently thought about this quite a lot and concluded We cant put them out on the street." It must be very hard for our enemies to fully understand American liberals. Try to put yourself in their shoes for a moment: First you are captured on the battlefield where you are trying to kill U.S. soldiers. Then you are imprisoned at GITMO and immediately provided expert medical attention and better nutrition than ever before. Soon lawyers from some of Washingtons most prestigious law firms offer to represent you free of charge. Then a president is elected who went to a church" for 20 years whose pastor loved to shout God D - - - America" from the pulpit. Finally you are told that the president intends to release you inside the country you dream will be destroyed some day and the Director of National Intelligence wants you to be paid a stipend by those dreadful infidel taxpayers so that you can adjust to your new life. And just last week that same president was floating the idea of taking away some health benefits from the soldiers who captured you! While I ponder the meaning of all this tonight I intend to stop by Arlington National Cemetery for a reality check. Terror On The Border In past reports we have documented the terror on the U.S./Mexican border 8000 deaths in the past two years and hundreds of beheadings in a vicious war being waged by brutal drug lords. It is spilling over into American communities and the Obama Administration is dragging its feet in responding. Todays Washington Times should prod them considerably. The Times interviewed Michael Braun a former assistant administrator and chief of operations at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in its shocking front-page report today. According to Braun the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah is working hand-in-hand with Mexican drug smugglers. For now Hezbollah is using drug money to help finance terror operations in the Middle East. But Braun warns They Hezbollah and the drug lords work together. They rely on the same facilitators. One way or another they are all connected. Theyll leverage those relationships to their benefit to smuggle contraband and humans into the U.S.; in fact they already are." Today its drugs and money. Tomorrow terrorists and bombs. As I have often stated in the past border security is homeland security. Neither should be a partisan issue left/right issue Republican/Democrat issue. Terrorists dont ask to check voter ID cards before committing their atrocities. Another Withdrawal Another week has gone by and another Obama nominee has withdrawn his name from consideration for public service. Jonathan Cannon nominated to be deputy director of the EPA bowed out of the process this week after questions arose about Americas Clean Water Foundation. Cannon had served on the foundations board but the foundation shut down after a 2007 EPA audit charged it with gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds. The foundation received a $25 million grant from the EPA to study environmental risks at meat processing plants. But according to the Los Angeles Times EPA auditors questioned the foundations accounting for almost all that money and alluded to allegations of embezzlement." Whoever is responsible for vetting President Obamas nominees needs to withdraw! Media Notice Weve had a busy and productive week making the case for our values in the media! On Monday Politico featured an op-ed I had written about our misguided policies at GITMO. Today we have a double-feature! posted a column I wrote about the mainstream medias willful blindness" as to the root cause of so much of the violence and terrorism around the world. Its evident when Ted Turner calls Al Qaeda in Iraq patriots" and when Chris Matthews accuses pro-lifers of being terrorists. And in my weekly column I offer some more thoughts on the audacity of the radical environmentalist movement. Whenever there is a crisis real and imaginary the Lefts instinct always is to presume that people are the problem.
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