The IRS Obamacare & You: The Taxes & the Spending

IRS Budget Request adds 1954 new employees TeaTexas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. With the IRS under fire for its improper targeting of Tea Party groups questions about the agencys activities to implement Obamacare are again being studied. In a 22-page Report to Congress this spring the IRS disclosed the IRSamounts of spending and numbers of employees devoted to Obamacare implementation from 2010 through 2012 and in its 175 page Budget Submission earlier this year the IRS requested even more spending.    The IRS Obamacare & You: The Taxes Taking a look at just some of the many ways in which the IRS will be intimately involved with implementing the massive law it starts with taxes. According to the Congressional Budget Office in a 22-page response to House Speaker John Boehner Obamacare raises over $1 trillion in revenue in its first 10 years and more after that. You name it Obamacare taxes it. As Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint recently stated:
ryan-demintObamacare taxes most people with health insurance and most people without health insurance. Likewise the law taxes many employers who provide health insurance and most employers who dont provide health insurance.
Obamacare contains no fewer than 18 tax increases. Whats more 12 of these taxes will be borne by the middle class directly breaking President Obamas 2008 firm pledge" to those making under $250000 per year that he would not raise any of your taxes." For instance many seniors will end up paying the 2.3 tax on medical devices as the price of wheelchairs defibrillators and other needed medical equipment will rise. Heres a list of all the Obamacare taxes to be administered by the IRS. The IRS Obamacare & You: The Spending Getting the Obamacare train wreck" up and running will cost the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) an estimated $881 million between 2010 and 2013 according to the Government Accountability Office. As of last June the IRS had D.C.already requested more than half a billion dollars from an implementation slush fund" established in Obamacare. In a 22-page Report to Congress this spring the IRS disclosed the amounts of spending and numbers of employees devoted to Obamacare implementation from 2010 through 2012. Among other areas the IRS devoted:
  • $2.1 million and 13 full-time employees to implement the tax increases on drug manufacturers and health insurers
  • $12 million and 150 full-time employees to customer service support"
  • $405.2 million and 700 full-time employees to creating the infrastructure to support the exchanges and the individual mandate tax and
  • $20.8 million and 161 full-time employees to promote compliance with other new provisions"
This gusher of new spending will continue even after Obamacare is up and running. In its 175 page Budget Submission this year the IRS requested even more spending a whopping $439.6 million and 1954 new employees. This ongoing spending over $1 billion in just the laws first four years only adds to the trillions in new entitlement programs created by the law. Its one more reason Republicans in Congress say Obamacare is unaffordable for the holder-obama3ataxpayers forced to fund it and forced to live under new IRS mandates edicts and regulations. As previously noted Obamacare includes no fewer than 18 separate tax increases raising at least $1 trillion in the laws first 10 years alone. Worse yet the IRS will need to spend billions of dollars of taxpayers hard-earned money to take these trillions in new revenues from taxpayers.
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