Tony Perkins’ Washington Update - FRC
Published: 06-21-07
Published: 06-21-07

The veto ceremony took place this afternoon with many special guests who have all been treated for various diseases through pro-life alternatives to ESC. For the President the decision to veto was an easy one. Since his administration began President Bush resolved to hold the ethical line--most emphatically on research that would compromise human life.
Unfortunately he and Congress have not seen eye to eye on the matter--even less so since Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) rose to power. Both leaders are fighting to keep the debate alive. Although many believe the Senate could be a vote away from approving a veto override the House is most certainly far short.
If the override fails Sens. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Arlen Spector (R-Penn.) have threatened to attach the bill to the Labor Health and Human Services and Education appropriations bill which could bog down $149.2 billion in needed spending.
Meanwhile as the Left stubbornly pursues what has proven to be dead-end research FRC will continue to call for funds that would pave the way to true progress through adult stem cells. We applaud President Bush for refusing to back down on his stance against unethical and ineffective research.