The President and the Politics of Civility

By Karl Rove Barack Obama should lead by example. width=76Last Saturday Americans were again instructed on their political manners by their Moralizer in Chief. While delivering a commencement address to the University of Michigans graduating students President Barack Obamas comments were really meant for the nations political class. His speech dealt with the importance of a basic level of civility in our public debate. We cannot expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down Mr. Obama said. He spoke against demonizing political opponents or questioning their motives or their patriotism. It is not the hurt feelings or the bruised egos such rhetoric causes thats problematic the president assured us. No this kind of vilification and over-the-top rhetoric discourages compromise . . . undermines democratic deliberation. . . robs us of a rational and serious debate. It can even send signals that violence is a justifiable response. There is a need in politics as the president said to treat others as you would like to be treated with courtesy and respect. A lot is right with those words. But theres a lot wrong with them coming from Mr. Obama who is contributing to the slash and burn politics he preaches against. If Mr. Obama is serious about his commitment to courtesy and respect then he will need to demonstrate presidential leadership and rein in the verbal excesses of the leaders of his own party. He could start by having a conversation with Speaker Nancy Pelosi who condemned those with different views on health care as being un-American. He might also share a word with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who recently accused Republicans of being anti-American and wanting to continue to make love to Wall Street by pressing for changes in a bill regulating the financial industry. Mr. Obama can give friendly counsel to the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Rep. Chris Van Hollen who authorized a fund-raising email calling conservatives reptiles and fire-breathing tea party nut jobs. Was this in the spirit of courtesy and respect Mr. Obama says is vital to our democracy? Maybe Mr. Obama should sit down with Florida Congressman Alan Grayson who grabbed public attention when he said Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick told former Vice President Dick Cheney to STFU and accused Republicans of being foot dragging knuckle dragging Neanderthals who lacked a conscience. Even a mild White House rebuke of this Democratic backbencher would have helped establish a better tone in Washington. Mr. Obama should also visit with his White House staff starting with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. The acerbic Alabamian told reporters that when it came to dealing with BP on the oil disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico the administration would keep the boot on their throat. And since Mr. Gibbs credited Interior Secretary Ken Salazar with the memorable phrase the president should call in his otherwise mild-mannered Interior secretary for a talk about treating people with courtesy and respect especially in a moment of crisis. For a man who is enormously self-aware Mr. Obama could also use a little bit more self-awareness. He should consider how powerfuland inappropriatea model he sets by his own frequent coarse and uncivil language. For example last week Mr. Obama suggested that Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell was cynical and deceptive in arguing that the administrations financial regulation bill would allow more bailouts when he knows that it would do just the opposite. Does implying the Senate GOP leader is a hypocrite and a liar make reaching compromise easier? Mr. Obama even draws on the Bible for political attacks. In a teleconference with religious groups supporting health-care reform he accused opponents of the legislation of bearing false witness. Or take last September when in a health-care speech to Congress the presidentin a single paragraphaccused his critics of spreading bogus claims and lies and of being cynical and irresponsible. Even if you believe as the president does that the concerns of his critics are wrong why use such sulfuric rhetoric? This is not the kind of thing the presidents predecessor his predecessors father or President Ronald Reagan did or would allow their staff to routinely do. If Mr. Obama wants his Ann Arbor words to be taken seriously then he needs to rein in his party his staff and himself. Presidential leadership matters as much as presidential words perhaps more. Mr. Obama should back up his inspiring call to civility with action. Mr. Rove the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush is the author of Courage and Consequence
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