The Reason Why They Call Him Dick

width=71By Ann Coulter If the Bush administration ever treated terrorism suspects the way Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal treats law-abiding citizens and small businesses even conservatives would have blanched. This activist interventionist Democrat -- like his identical slightly less oily twin Eliot Spitzer -- decided at age 5 he was going to be a U.S. senator and then the first Jewish president. And he doesnt care how many lives he has to destroy to get there. Currently Blumenthal is running for the U.S. Senate against Linda McMahon in Connecticut. He must be stopped. Even his ideological ally The New York Times thinks he must be stopped. That paper ran a front-page expose on Blumenthals lies about having served in Vietnam violating a century-old Times tradition of never printing information unflattering to a Democrat. Blumenthal apologized for lying about being in Vietnam saying I take full responsibility. Who else was he considering blaming? The voices in his head? Among Blumenthals taxpayer-funded citizen-persecution projects was the one he waged against Gina Kolb owner of Computer Plus Center in East Hartford. After selling $17.2 million worth of computers and servers to the state in 2001 Kolb found herself being sued by Blumenthal for $1.75 million for allegedly overcharging the state $500000. Publicity-whore Blumenthal sent out an accusatory press release about Kolb saying: No supplier should be permitted to shortchange or overcharge the state without severe consequences. Soon thereafter Kolb was arrested at her home on seven first-degree larceny charges courtesy of Connecticuts crazily hyperactive attorney general. Wonder why you have a $4 billion deficit Nutmeggers? Blumenthals endless investigations into responsible law-abiding citizens like Kolb have now cost more than the entire Iraq War. (And thats just the cost of the paper for Blumenthals 12 billion press releases!) A court dismissed all charges against Kolb and her company in 2008. But not before this female businesswoman had her company completely shattered by the pathologically ambitious attorney general. Im sorry I know you need to be on television every single day Dick but thats not enough of a reason to destroy innocent citizens lives much less use taxpayer money to do so. Kolb was far from the only innocent citizen persecuted by Blumenthal. The reason we know her story is that instead of moving as far away from Connecticut as she could Kolb turned around and sued the state for violating her constitutional rights. The jury agreed awarding her $18 million for Blumenthals pattern of conduct that destroyed Kolbs business and impugned her integrity. Noticeably the attorney general who spends most of his waking hours phoning reporters holding press conferences and issuing press releases did not make a peep about Kolbs total vindication in court despite his having earlier blackened her name. Perhaps he was busy attending a fake Vietnam veterans reunion that day. To the contrary Blumenthal continued using the power of his office to persecute Kolb. This is the problem with government officials using taxpayer money to further their own political ambitions: No one could tell him to cut his losses and stop harassing Kolb. Blumenthal filed a blizzard of motions -- at taxpayer expense -- appealing the jurys verdict in favor of Kolb. One of them finally succeeded in getting a judge to reduce the damages to Kolb who presumably is now living in Hawaii under an assumed name so Blumenthal doesnt start making crank calls to her. (She should go to Vietnam! Blumenthal will never find her there!) Connecticut taxpayers spent millions of dollars harassing this innocent businesswoman successfully destroying a profitable job-creating computer company in the state and one law-abiding taxpayer in the process. Thanks Dick! Blumenthals 24-hour publicity office managed to produce a gleaming press release on the reduction of Kolbs damages award in which he vowed to continue fighting to overturn this verdict. Asked by Charles Kochakian of the New Haven Register about the case and whether Blumenthal ever released a statement when a victim of his legal harassment was vindicated Blumenthal essentially said: No one is ever vindicated. Just because no wrongdoing was found he said doesnt mean wrongdoing didnt occur. Welcome to Connecticut where youre guilty until proved innocent (and you can never be proved innocent). Most shockingly Blumenthal said he would never issue a press release about one of his publicly accused targets being vindicated because new evidence may well emerge. New evidence may well emerge that Dick Blumenthal is a child molesting ax murderer. But until it does no one has a right to say so. Hello? ACLU? Heard of Dick Blumenthal? Everyone in Connecticut knows Blumenthals name largely on account of his daily press conferences for nearly two decades as attorney general announcing lawsuits to combat every minor inconvenience. Arbys served jalapeno poppers at 114 degrees? Blumenthal is holding a press conference at noon! This hyperactive publicity-mad lunatic is constantly announcing new lawsuits far beyond the purview of his office like some New England version of Hugo Chavez. This won him the title: Worst Attorney General in the Country from the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Hes sued power companies for contributing to global warming asking the courts to impose cap and trade -- a bill so absurd neither Obama nor the Democratic Senate will touch it. Hes sued gun companies trying to hold them responsible for criminal acts by third parties involving guns. Hes sued tobacco companies so he could extort millions of dollars for his old law firm and other legal cronies overseeing the shakedown -- I mean settlement. Blumenthal is now in a tight race with Linda McMahon for the U.S. Senate. I understand why Connecticut would like to get rid of him but thats no reason to foist this menace on the rest of the country. How about sending him to Vietnam? Ann Coulter is a columnist and author of Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault On America.
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