The Right to Work

john-stosselBy John Stossel The people of Louisiana must sleep soundly knowing that their state protects them from ... unlicensed florists. Thats right. In Louisiana you cant sell flower arrangements unless you have permission from the government. How do you get permission? You must pass a test that is graded by a board of florists who already have licenses. To prepare for the test you might have to spend $2000 on a special course. The test requires knowledge of techniques that florists rarely use anymore. One question asks the name of the states agriculture commissioner -- as though you cant be a good florist without knowing that piece of vital information. The licensing board defends its test claiming it protects consumers from florists who might sell them unhealthy flowers. I understand the established florists wish to protect their professions reputation but in practice such licensing laws mainly serve to limit competition. Making it harder for newcomers to open florist shops lets established florists hog the business. Other states are considering adopting Louisianas licensing law but before any do I hope that the law will be stricken. The Institute for Justice a public-interest law firm has challenged the licensing in court saying it violates liberty and equal protection and so is unconstitutional. One of the most fundamental tenets of the American dream is the right to earn an honest living without arbitrary government interference. What could be more arbitrary than saying who can and who cannot sell flowers? IJ President Chip Mellor says. Others states have their own sets of ridiculous licensing rules. In Virginia you need a license to be a yoga instructor. Florida threatened an interior designer with a $25000 fine if she didnt do a six-year apprenticeship and pass a test at a cost of several thousand dollars. Fortunately the Institute for Justice got that law overturned. Im rooting for IJ because licensing interferes with the freedom to make a living harms consumers by limiting competition and protects established firms. Its an old story. Established businesses have always used government to handcuff competition. Years ago small grocers tried to ban supermarkets. A&P was going to destroy Main Street the grocers cried. Minnesota legislators responded to their lobbying by passing a law that forbade supermarkets to hold sales. Consumers were hurt. OK while licensing of florists interior designers and yoga teachers is ridiculous what about more important professions like law? Surely people need protection from people who would practice law without a license. Again I say no. Lawyers monopoly on helping people with wills bankruptcies and divorces is just another expensive restraint of trade. David Price recently spent six months in a Kansas jail because he wrote a letter on behalf of a man who was wrongly accused of practicing architecture without a license. When Price refused to promise never to practice law again a judge sent him to jail. All he did was write a letter. Price didnt misrepresent his credentials. However he did save a man from paying $3000 to a lawyer. Perhaps that was his real offense. Some of the most famous lawyers in American history including Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln and Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo had no license from the state. Their customers decided whether they were worthy of being hired. Competition is better than government at protecting consumers from shoddy work. Furthermore licensing creates a false sense of security. Consider this: When you move to a new community do you ask neighbors or colleagues to recommend doctors dentists and mechanics even though those jobs are licensed? Of course. Because you know that even with licensing laws there is a wide range of quality and outright quackery in every occupation. You know that licensing doesnt really protect you. A free competitive market for reputation protects consumers much more effectively than government can. Today online services like Angies List ( make it even easier for consumers to get better information about businesses than government licensing boards will ever provide. We do need protection from shoddy businesses. But its freedom and competition that produce the best protection. John Stossel blogs at is an award-winning news correspondent and author of Myths Lies and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel--Why Everything You Know is Wrong.
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