Published: 03-03-08Preventing illegal immigration and unauthorized employment
Hoping to find a new way forward on the illegal immigration reform debate this week I introduced the New Employee Verification Act. The proposal would reform the nation’s approach to worksite enforcement and stymie unauthorized employment.
The New Employee Verification Act achieves three important objectives: ensure a legal workforce safeguard workers’ identity and protect Social Security.
Employers want need and deserve a reliable employee verification system and I want to give it to them.
First this legislation draws upon lessons learned from the past to help guarantee a legal U.S. workforce for the future. The current failed paper-based I-9 screening process is replaced with an Electronic Employee Verification System known as EEVS. The system would rely on the use of fewer more secure identity documents and would be built upon the new hire reporting process in each state. This program is already used by 90 of employers and was put in place a dozen years ago to track down dead beat dads.
For Americans work authorization would be confirmed only through the Social Security Administration. This ensures that there is no “Big Brother” law enforcement agency building new databases on law abiding citizens.
For non-citizens work authorization would be confirmed through the Department of Homeland Security that has the databases on visa and immigration status.
Second the legislation would also help safeguard workers’ identity. A voluntary system would be created using the latest technology to authenticate and protect a worker’s identity. Private sector companies certified by the federal government would first verify work authorization in EEVS but would also authenticate the identity of employees by utilizing existing background-check and document screening tools. The identity would then be secured through a biometric identifier such as a finger print or eye scan.
This is the Secure Electronic Employee Verification System SEEVS.
Third my plan protects Social Security and makes sure that only those who legally paid into the system may collect Social Security benefits.
In December 2006 nearly 1300 workers in six states at Swift and Company were arrested including many in Cactus Texas. A Swift and Company human resource official testified before a House panel that Swift had willingly participated in the government’s voluntary verification program for Social Security numbers since 1997.
The raids at Swift shed light on the growing practice by illegal immigrants of using authentic documents - borrowed rented or stolen - to avoid detection in the hiring process – and we must learn from it.
Condemning Berkeley for booting the Marine Corps
Not too long ago the Berkeley City Council voted to declare that a Marine recruiting station is “not welcome in the city.” To rub salt in the wound the council then granted carte blanche to the radical protest group Code Pink.
The disappointing and despicable actions of Berkeley are sad shameful and sickening. Some might call them treasonous.
Marines volunteer to serve their country and spill their blood for this nation. Berkeley should show more respect for our armed forces.
The Marine’s motto Semper Fidelis means “always faithful.” Although Berkeley may not be faithful to the Marines….I can guarantee you that the city of Berkeley wouldn’t exist in a free country without the United States Marines.
The council needs to reverse this absurd decision. It’s offensive and obnoxious.
Email to make your patriotic voice heard. Tell them that you’re outraged at their despicable actions.
Modernizing laws when it comes to cell phones and Blackberries
Picture a cell phone in 1989. Back then cell phones were the size of a suitcase and air time cost a fortune. Around that time a law was put in place to require that cell phones be used more than 50 for business purposes.
Fast forward to today. Clearly time and technology have marched on and companies give their employees cell phones and Blackberries with unlimited minutes and these communication devices are really just an extension of the business day and place to any time and anywhere.
The IRS wants employees to keep detailed call sheets or be forced to include the value of cell phones and Blackberries in their pay. The law needs to brought up to date with the fact that the office cell and Blackberry is just an extension of the phone on an employee’s desk.
Employees and employers have better things to worry about than keeping detailed logs of calls only for tax purposes. It is time for Congress to pass the MOBILE Cell Phone Act H.R. 5450.
I hope this change will be made very soon.
Calling all HS artists – Participate in the Congressional Art Competition
Deadline to register is March 7th
Third District high school students are encouraged to submit original artwork for the annual Congressional Art Competition. This contest is open to students enrolled in public private or home schools who reside in the district. Staff from Johnson’s office will pick up completed artwork March 12th.
Teachers and parents should contact Johnson’s office on behalf of students no later than March 7th to enter the student’s name hometown and school. Parents students or art teachers should call Deanna Kuykendall at 972-470-0892 or email her at
Only original artwork created by Third District high school students will be judged. The winning masterpiece will be displayed in the Cannon Tunnel of the United States Capitol Building for an entire year.
On Saturday April 5 2008 from 7:00-9:00pm Congressman Johnson will host the Second Annual Art Exhibit in the Gallery of the McKinney Performing Arts Center. All the artwork submitted for this year’s competition will be on display. An awards presentation for the winners will take place during the exhibit. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to vote for the People’s Choice Award. The event is open to the press and public.