The Tea Party One Year On: Federalism & Nationalism

width=268By Bernie Quigley
If the nascent Tea Party Movement can be hobbled because Barney Frank & John Lewis claim someone in an anonymous crowd called them a name consider the American spirit spent. People my age will recall the 60s a moment of enlightenment in many ways unparalleled but with scuds like Jerry Rubin who later guided the Clinton generation to Wall Street advising his peers to go home and kill their parents.   Awakening always brings the dark with the light; it is the dual nature of Creation. Bill Ayers and his murderous colleagues. Or Jean Genet at the Chicago riots of 1968 advising the crowd of tens of thousands to find joy in life: Have sex with a goat. This was the common daily squalor that was the 60s. The accusations of Frank & Lewis are schoolyard stuff and like Hillary Clinton shouting out a vast right-wing conspiracy!" it is classic Saul Alinsky standard operating procedure in the 60s. Every cop was a pig." Every soldier returning from Vietnam a baby killer." Then when the camera is on you start shouting. You can just picture Frank Lewis Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer being hauled away by coppers shouting The violence is inherent in the system!" as in the Monty Python width=215classic Holy Grail which parodied the strategy. But now they are the system. The old men of courage James Farmer Ralph Abernathy Malcolm X would not even have taken notice. But that was when the soup was thick while nothing may be left today but gruel. Which is maybe why there is an American Tea Party movement today. What will drive away reasonable people is the posturing of thugs in folksy/fascist homegrown militias. Right now there is no packaging to harness energy and karma and if the Tea Party doesnt find purpose and leadership it will dissipate. Looking at recent speeches by Rick Perry he understands the essence of the Jeffersonian perspective and expresses it clearly. And man can he work the crowd especially if there width=72are some University of Texas grads in it. Perhaps he will bring form and character to the movement. On specific issues the Tea Parties started with classic federalist demands that the states be granted their sovereign due. Mitt Romney has been talking about that for years in Massachusetts and was the first politician in our times who publicly addressed these issues. There needs to be a new understanding of terminology. For lack of better phrasing Perry and Romney can both be seen as federalists with somewhat different styles. The Tea Party is a federalist movement. While Obama and the Democrats must be seen as one-size-fits-all nationalists. Theirs is a pseudo-state and is inherently unconstitutional. With full cooperation of the undergraduate colleges and universities the law schools and every aspect of the media (Vanity Fair The New York Times op-ed page Tina Fey the three networks and Katie Couric David Letterman Jack Bauer The News Hour the Pulitzer-Prize winning Washington Post) it is totalitarian (the system"). I would like to see Iraq war veterans get involved because although Homeland Security chief Napolitano thinks terrorist when soldier comes to mind and coastal liberals in the North where I grew up hate Toby Keiths patriotic America and fear soldiers there has never been a historic moment that was not made by veterans WWII Civil War the width=157Revolutionary period. It will be this way as well. Today most soldiers and officers are from the heartland which is sympathetic to Tea Party issues. These women and men would bring their maturity and balance to the movement. It could be their movement. Or it could be our movement in which Iraq veterans form a sympathetic heart. Visit Mr. Quigleys website at
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