Thornberry: Doubling Down on Failed Economic Programs Wont Create jobs No Way to Govern

mac-thornberryWashington D.C. U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) today released the following statement after the House of Representatives took what could be its last votes of 2009 including bills to fund defense a second stimulus and to raise the debt ceiling: The year 2009 is one in which federal spending and debt increased dramatically government got bigger and peoples confidence in government dwindled.  It has been a long and disappointing year.  And today was no exception as the majority rushed through a number of bills in their haste to get out of town.  While I voted to fund our troops and their missions in Afghanistan and Iraq I voted against raising the debt ceiling and another stimulus bill.  This second stimulus --a near carbon copy of the first $800 billion dollar one-- pours billions more into the very same projects and programs included in the original. In some cases very little of the money from the first stimulus has even been spent.  In other cases where the money has been spent it has failed to create jobs or has been wasted.  In the 13th district alone nearly 5000 people have lost jobs since the bill took effect back in February. Doubling down on the same failed economic programs not only multiplies the amount Washington is spending and borrowing it will do nothing to create jobs or get the economy moving.  And it is certainly no way to govern our country.  Washington is giving new meaning to the saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  Americans deserve better.  Lets hope the new year brings some common sense back to Washington so we can get the country on the right track."
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