Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX) Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee made the following statement on Army plans to reduce the force by 40000 Soldiers.
People who believe the world is safer that we can do with less defense spending and 40000 fewer Soldiers will take this as good news. I am not one of those people.
Planned reductions in Army force levels have been public for some time and are a result of hundreds of billions of dollars in defense cuts since President Obama took office.
During this time Army end strength has been reduced from 556000 to this new low of 450000. Personnel reductions are one of the few places where the military can achieve the savings mandated by defense cuts in the time required. The House Armed Services Committee has consistently warned about the size and pace of reductions in both end strength and defense spending and the negative impact on the countrys national security.