Published: 06-20-08
WASHINGTON D.C. –Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) issued the following statement after House Democrats called for the nationalization of America’s oil and gas industries:
“I can think of nothing worse for the future of America’s energy independence than putting the government in charge of the oil industry as some Democrats have suggested” Thornberry said. “My approach is to unleash the creativity and enthusiasm of America’s entrepreneurs in the private sector to develop new sources and new supplies of all types of domestic energy.”
Thornberry is the sponsor of H.R. 3089 the No More Excuses Energy Act. The bill includes language to allow drilling in ANWR and offshore. It also includes tax credits to capture carbon dioxide coming up smoke stacks and use it to flush oil out of existing wells allowing us to get more oil out of wells that we already have and at the same time reduce green house gas emissions. The No More Excuses Energy Act will also extend the wind energy tax credit for 10 years and encourage investment in nuclear power plants and in new refineries.
“High energy prices have placed a real burden on America’s families farmers ranchers and businesses. As energy prices rise the cost of just about everything we buy goes up as well. It is particularly difficult for folks who live in rural areas where the agricultural economy depends on energy intensive equipment and travel distances between communities are significant.
H.R. 3089 the ‘No More Excuses Energy Act’ would get the federal government to stop tying our hands on energy production take some common sense steps to encourage more American energy production and provide consumers relief they deserve at the gas pump” Thornberry concluded.
For more information on H.R. 3089 the No More Excuses Energy Act go to
For quotes from House Democrats advocating nationalization of the oil industry go to and