Time for Leaders to Stand for Something

By Adrian Murray Adrian-Murray-FtOn January 16 2010 approximately 2500 Texans gathered at the steps of the Capitol in Austin.  People had come from all over the state: Fort Worth Dallas Tyler Houston Odessa Abilene. The hastily assembled rally barely two weeks in the planning had drawn protesters concerned about federal government overreach and interference in Texas sovereignty and individual liberty due to the mandates of the health care bill.   The rally was a call to convene a special session of the legislature to preemptively pass legislation nullifying whatever monstrosity the Congress would pass. The rally while inspirational and energizing occurred just a couple of days too early. Three day later on January 19 the people of Massachusetts nullified the entire Obama administration in ways the Texas legislature could never have imagined. The significance of this cannot be overlooked. The Massachusetts senate race was a referendum on the Obama presidency and Obama lost big time. It has been reported that when the pilot of the airliner carrying Scott Brown to Washington announced that the Senator-elect was on board the passengers erupted into applause. Americans can be accused of being many things but not fools. Half the country knew America was buying a pig in a poke in November of 2008 - a pompous Marxist dilettante with little knowledge of America or American history (except the bad stuff). The other half is finally finding out. ObamaWhile Obama and the radicals who rode his coattails into Washington may have some base of support left mainly in the media and Hollywood the great swath of flyover country has soundly rejected his message as has that bastion of liberalism Massachusetts. Despite the mind numbing spin coming out of the White House that the MA vote was actually a show of support for Obama (!) the rebuke must have been stinging. The Messiah had just been spanked. Despite this historic rejection of the Obama doctrine of government-knows-best Republican leaders are signaling a worrisome willingness to compromise with the Obama administration on health care and other items on the agenda. This is exactly the wrong strategy Now is the time to pile it on not back down. The American people deserve more. For nearly a year now the American people have staged rallies and tea parties held marches in the rain and the snow and the heat protested on street corners confronted members of Congress at town halls faced ridicule in the media and intimidation by Homeland Security all because we knew from the very beginning there was something very foul about this administration something decidedly anti-American. This is no time for compromise no time for accommodation. The beast is dying. Its time to kill it. Obama and team come from so far left of the American mainstream they are beyond the horizon. Obama deceitfully ran left-center while fully intending to govern (rule actually) right out of the Karl Marx playbook: First seize the means of production." And indeed they did with GM Chrysler and Citigroup going down while the music from the inaugural balls was still echoing down Pennsylvania Avenue and the inaugural trash still littered the streets of Washington DC. Then they set their sights on the America people themselves. The American people would not have it. tea-party1109All those who have dedicated much of the past year to defeating the Obama agenda deserve better than to see Republican leaders compromise on accommodations with Obama. The Massachusetts victory does not belong to nor did it occur because of the Republican Party. It belongs to the American people. Obama must be thoroughly resoundingly and humiliatingly defeated on every proposal every bill every action he takes. With the exception of foreign emergencies or matters of national security he should be beaten into a dish rag at every opportunity. Why? Because the man and the machine behind him tried to make an end run on the American system. They tried to use the most open democratic system in the world against itself. They subverted our system of governance in order to establish one of their own. They should not be given the pleasure of a single victory from now until November 2012. They gamed the system they won and now they have lost. They must serve as a reminder to any future tinhorns who may attempt the perversion of American democracy again. Like the rebels in Spartacus army the remains of the Obama agenda must line the Appian Way examples of what will happen if you ever mess with America again. This is the time for opposition leaders to stand for something America dodged a bullet but by no means is the other side out of ammo. They should not be dealt with or trusted just thoroughly beaten. In 1941 Admiral Isoruko Yamamoto cautioned Japanese military planners against the attack on Pearl Harbor fearful it would awaken a sleeping giant." History records that it did. Americans are a tolerant and peaceful people. We just have this thing about sneak attacks on our freedom. The surrender of those who perpetrate these assaults on essential liberties must be unconditional. We may have been guilty in recent years of rolling over and pushing the snooze button when the alarm sounded. But the giant is awake again. Those alarm bells are still ringing but we are awake. We are alert and we are energized. We will never slumber again a message for both Democrats and Republicans alike.
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