By Ann Coulter

I suppose well know the truth when the DNA testing comes back but close observers of privileged liberal men are not shocked by the accusations against Dominique Strauss-Kahn the socialist head of the International Monetary Fund. (And you thought you were getting screwed by your banker!)
Only in Hollywood movies are handsome lacrosse players from nice families seen as likely rapists. In real life they look more like the 5-foot-2-inch Roman Polanski or pudgy unathletic Bill Clinton -- or the homunculus 5-foot-2-inch Strauss-Kahn.
But it is argued how could Strauss-Kahn possibly think he could get away with the violent rape of a chambermaid in a $3000-a-night hotel room booked in his name?
First of all Strauss-Kahn has evidently gotten away with treating the fairer sex as his playthings for some time. No wonder his nickname among the French is le grand seducteur which I believe roughly translates to the short tubby serial rapist.
The New York Times reports that as far back as 2007 Brussels journalist Jean Quatremer remarked on Strauss-Kahns troubled behavior -- close to harassment -- toward women saying the press knew all about it but never mentioned it because we are in France.
When Strauss-Kahn was appointed to the I.M.F. Quatremer sardonically warned that the international institution was not the same as France but instead had Anglo-Saxon morals.
Second its not unheard of that a wealthy liberal would assume the law does not apply to him. Actually let me restate that: Wealthy liberals always assume that laws dont apply to them. After all the waivers the Obama administration has been dishing out like candy are there any liberals left to whom Obamacare will apply?
We might also ask how a governor of New York could think he could get away with hiring prostitutes to service him in similarly pricey hotels bringing them across state lines and using his friends names to book the girls year after year.
But Eliot Spitzer thought he could get away with that. Fortunately he has been brought to justice and sentenced to hosting a lame show on CNN.
Still rape is a more serious crime than being a frenzied masturbator paying for sex. For that I give you Andrew Luster multimillionaire Max Factor heir whose mother gives to every liberal cause under the sun from Barbara Boxer and Loretta Sanchez to Emilys List and pro-gay marriage groups. (If only her son had been gay!)
Her son not only drugged and raped a string of women but made videotapes of his crimes.
On the tapes Luster can be seen sodomizing unconscious women with lighted marijuana cigarettes candles and plastic swords and then talking into the camera about the unconscious women lying on his bed. The tapes were carefully labeled with titles like Shauna GHBing referring to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid known as a date-rape drug.
Luster was cataloging video evidence of his own criminal acts -- and yet he thought he could get away with it.
He almost did too fleeing the country during his 2003 trial. He was caught and is now serving 124 years in prison having been convicted in absentia of 86 crimes including 20 counts of drug-induced rape 17 counts of raping an unconscious victim and multiple counts of sodomy and oral copulation by use of drugs.
Also out of Southern California we have Roman Polanski the legendary director of two good movies and about a hundred unbelievably horrible ones who drugged and anally raped an underage girl according to the police report.
Not only did Polanski think he could get away with it he did get away with it by fleeing the country (to France) when he discovered to his shock and dismay that in America a person can actually be sentenced to prison for drugging and raping a 13-year-old. That was in 1977. He has never been brought to justice.
Liberals supported Polanskis evasion of punishment for child rape with the Hollywood left denouncing his arrest in Switzerland a couple of years ago howling that he had suffered enough! Wasnt he prevented from coming to the U.S. to pick up his Oscar in 2003?
You know whos suffered enough? Anybody who sat all the way through The Pianist.
Liberal male misogyny goes back even farther than Polanskis three-decades-old child rape.
As Phyllis Schlafly points out in her book Feminist Fantasies (with a stirring foreword by Ann Coulter) for centuries famous left-wing men have treated their wives and mistresses like unpaid servants.
Their credo might well have been From each according to my needs ...
Schlafly bases her review of liberal woman-haters on the book Intellectuals by historian Paul Johnson. Among the left-wing heroes highlighted by Schlafly from Johnsons book are Jean-Jacques Rousseau Ernest Hemingway Henrik Ibsen Bertrand Russell Jean-Paul Sartre and Karl Marx.
Johnson writes that the pint-sized -- 5 foot 2 1/2 inch -- communist-sympathizing Sartre was notorious for never taking a bath and being disgustingly dirty. He said admiringly of the Nazis We have never been as free as we were under the German occupation.
The flyweight Sartre famously turned Simone de Beauvoir into his mistress surrogate wife cook and manager female bodyguard and nurse. (Sadly she never learned how to give someone a sponge bath.) All the while the smelly midget committed a stream of infidelities viewing women as scalps to add to his centaurs belt.
In the annals of literature Johnson writes there are few worse cases of a man exploiting a woman.
As he got older Sartres sexual conquests got younger including teenaged girls.
Like Spitzer Luster and Polanski liberal men seem driven by their massive insecurities (often based on physical defects such as their diminutive size or soap allergies) to choose unconscious illiterate servant-class and teenage females as their sex partners. But lets not drag pocket-sized Woody Allens name into this as my column appears in many family newspapers.
Karl Marx kept a female slave from the time she was 8 years old eventually using her not only as a servant but as his mistress never acknowledging his child with her or paying her at all. She waited on him hand and foot while he explained to the world that profit is the stolen surplus value of the laborer. Like so many liberal icons Marx seldom bathed and left his wife and children in poverty.
As Schlafly says no wonder liberal women think men are pigs: Their men are pigs.
Maybe Strauss-Kahn is innocent but students of liberal comportment base their suspicions of his guilt not on fairy tales from Lifetime: TV for Women but on 200 years of disgusting sexual behavior by liberal men.
Ann Coulter is a columnist and author of Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault On America.