Published: 02-14-08CORPUS CHRISTI -- Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams will be the keynote speakers at the Todd Hunter campaign kickoff on Wednesday Feb. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. on the USS Lexington.
Hunter a Corpus Christi attorney and former four-term legislator is the Republican nominee for the District 32 legislative seat. Hunter said he is honored that two state officials whose offices greatly influence life in the Coastal Bend will be speaking on his behalf.
“Jerry Patterson is an outstanding steward of the state’s beaches and lands in the General Land Office” said Hunter. “His positive influence on our area is evidenced in his championing the Adopt-A-Beach coastal management and the oil spill prevention and response programs.
“In addition Jerry is a true American hero. He is a former Marine who volunteered to serve in Vietnam and retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a lieutenant colonel. His advocacy for issues important to our veterans extends far beyond the loan programs homes and cemeteries run by his agency. Veterans in District 32 join veterans across the state in their gratitude for Commissioner Patterson’s watching over their best interests.”
Hunter noted that one of the most important industries in District 32 is the oil and gas industry. Michael Williams former chair of the Texas Railroad Commission which oversees the industry is fast becoming a national leader on energy issues.