TWC Establishes $1 Million Returning Veterans Skills Training Fund

Published: 10-29-08

width=65AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) today approved a $1 million training fund to provide employer-driven skills training for recently separated veterans. By establishing the training fund TWC will provide returning veterans skills upgrades that employers identify as necessary for future Texas economic growth.

Private Texas employers can apply to TWC for training grants by partnering with established training providers such as community colleges apprenticeship training programs or community-based training programs with demonstrated experience.

Active duty service members exiting the military may face challenges transitioning to civilian life and the workplace. To assist those veterans TWC established the Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP) modeled on the successful Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program which TWC Chairman Tom Pauken himself a Vietnam veteran established during the Reagan administration.

Twenty-eight Veterans Resource and Referral Specialists (VRRSs) are based in local workforce development areas across Texas to assist their fellow veterans with job-search activities training opportunities and other resources.

“Veterans deserve our utmost appreciation and we should honor their service by easing their reentry into the Texas workforce” said Pauken. “Through these training funds veterans – particularly those who have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan – will receive important skills training to meet the demands of Texas employers.”

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Jason K. Doran leads TVLP. During his 20-year career Doran earned the Silver Star Navy Commendation Medal Navy Achievement Medal with Combat “V” and two Combat Action ribbons. His service included Operation Iraqi Freedom Desert Shield/Storm in the Middle East and Operation Noble Obelisk and Guardian Retrieval in Africa JTF-6 Counter Drug Operations and service in the Philippines and Korea.

For more information about the TVLP Skills Training Fund or other training opportunities and services available from TWC and the 28 local workforce development boards please visit the TWC Web sites and

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