Published: 05-23-07
Published: 05-23-07

Following the hearing TWC will submit the final CCDF State Plan to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by July 1 2007. The CCDF State Plan addresses state-subsidized child care services for the effective period of October 1 2007 through September 30 2009. The proposed CCDF State Plan and executive summary will be posted on the TWC Web site at .
A hard copy may be requested by calling (512) 936-4361. The public hearing will be conducted as follows:
Thursday May 31 2007 – Tyler 1 p.m.
The University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd. Room LIB 401
Thursday May 31 2007 – Tyler 1 p.m.
The University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd. Room LIB 401
Anyone planning to testify at the hearing should provide written copies of all testimony at the hearing.
In addition to the public hearing comments may be mailed to the Texas Workforce Commission Attention: TWC Policy Comments 101 E. 15th St. Room 440T Austin Texas 78778-0001; faxed to (512) 475-3577; or e-mailed to . Comments must be submitted or postmarked by June 8 2007.
Additionally a live June 6 2007 public hearing will be accessible online at at 9 a.m. Online listeners will not be able to submit verbal testimony through the Internet. However they will be able to follow up with written comments.
TWC is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the programs it offers in unison with its network of Local Workforce Development Boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit