Texas Workforce Commisssion
Published: 07-15-08
AUSTIN – Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tele-Centers will provide extended hours from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday from July 14 through Aug. 8.
TWC recently announced a 13-week federally funded temporary extension of UI benefits after President George W. Bush signed legislation authorizing Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation on June 30 2008.
The legislation provides up to 13 additional weeks of UI benefits for eligible Texans who have exhausted their regular UI benefits and are still unemployed. Employers will not be charged for any claims paid on this extension. The last date to apply for benefits under the extension will be March 27 2009.
To be eligible for the extension individuals must have filed a claim for regular UI benefits on or after
May 7 2006. Eligible claimants will receive the same weekly benefit amount as on their regular claims. All claimants who were eligible when the bill was signed will receive benefits starting with the week of July 6 2008.
As many as 200000 Texans may be eligible for the extended benefits. TWC is mailing letters to all potentially eligible claimants to explain the application process. Claimants should not contact TWC until they receive
a letter unless their address has changed. Claimants may update their address online at http://paymentrequest.texasworkforce.org. To update address information by phone contact one of the TWC’s UI Tele-Centers listed below.
Austin local: (512) 340-4300
Dallas local: (214) 252-1200
El Paso local: (915) 832-6400
Fort Worth local: (817) 420-1600
Houston local: (281) 983-1100
McAllen local: (956) 984-4700
San Antonio local: (210) 258-6600
Others call toll free: (800) 939-6631