By Jeff Wentworth
State Senator District 25
Published: 01-14-08
State Senator District 25
Published: 01-14-08

To help Texas achieve both the educated workforce and first-class transportation system in 1991 the Texas Legislature created the Texas Department of Transportation’s Conditional Grant Program which provides financial assistance to qualifying students who agree to work for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for two years after graduation.
Since its inception the program has helped approximately 328 students 135 of whom have graduated. Currently 42 students are participating in the program which is open to students who are economically disadvantaged and interested in earning a college degree in civil engineering computer science management information systems or computer information systems.
Students who have the greatest financial need and who are the first generation in the family to attend college are given the highest priority. Grant amounts are the sum of the certified tuition and fees per semester plus a stipend that is based on the student’s documented needs of up to $3000 per semester.
To qualify for a grant students must be Texas residents who are eligible to work in the United States and have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.00 on a four-point scale a minimum score of 850 on the SAT or 21 on the ACT.
Students must plan to attend an accredited four-year Texas public college or university as a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 semester hours. Grant recipients must seek a four-year degree in at least one of the required degree fields.
The conditional grant program also is open to students already enrolled in college or university undergraduate programs if they meet the same resident and financial need qualifications as graduating high school seniors. College enrolled students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.50 on a four-point scale.
Currently TxDOT is advertising for the next group of grantees. Students interested in learning more about the conditional grant program should visit the TxDOT Web site at and click on “Conditional Grant Program.”
This year’s deadline for applications is March 1. I encourage students who believe they may be eligible for a grant to log onto the Web site or call TxDOT’s toll-free number (866) 544-4330.