U.S. Senator John Cornyn of Texas
As Texas children & teachers work their way into the school year its unacceptable that they wont have access to the full range of federal resources available to them" Sen. Cornyn said. The Obama Administrations U.S. Department of Education today announced it has denied an application from Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott for $830 million from the Ed Jobs Fund. Background: In the coming days Sens. Cornyn & Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) will introduce legislation stripping the Doggett Amendment language and Texas-related provisions from the Education Jobs fund. On August 6 members of the Texas Republican Congressional Delegation joined Sens. John Cornyn and Hutchison in writing to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to remove language from the state bailout bill that would penalize Texas and bar the State from accessing important federal education dollars that every other state will be able to access to support their schools & teachers.