U.S. Reps Mike Conaway and Gene Green Work to Protect Local Radio Stations

Published: 06-23-08

Resolution Reaches Cosponsor Milestone

width=65width=65WASHINGTON D.C. – Last fall U.S. Representatives Mike Conaway (R-TX) and Gene Green (D-TX) introduced the bipartisan Local Radio Freedom Act.  Today the resolution has 220 cosponsors and has received a high volume of response from all over the country.

The Local Radio Freedom Act declares Congress’ support of free local radio and opposes any new performance fees taxes royalties or other charges relating to the public performance of sound recordings on a local radio station for broadcasting sound recordings. 

I am pleased at the overwhelming support that has been received for this legislation from both my colleagues and the local radio stations” said Rep. Conaway. 

“Communities rely on local radio stations to relay important weather information national emergency information and important news that will affect their community.  The suggested performance taxes on local radio would devastate small local broadcasters in rural areas and ultimately hurt small businesses and consumers.”

There have been rumblings in Congress recently about trying to add a “performance tax” on local radio broadcasters making them pay for the music they play. Local radio broadcasters provide thousands of hours of essential information to their communities. By imposing a performance fee thousands of radio stations will suffer economic hardship as will other small businesses and ultimately the American consumers who rely on the stations for local news weather etc.

The resolution also says that radio promotes the recording industry’s product. “Radio provides free exposure and promotion for record labels’ acts; broadcasters shouldn’t have to pay labels for the privilege of supporting them. If the stations ‘pay to play’ the cost will go up for everyone and free over-the-air radio could be hurt” Rep. Green said.

The bipartisan resolution was introduced with 51 original cosponsors.

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