Update from Diane Patrick

81st Legislative Special Session diane-patrickAfter promptly addressing pressing State issues set before the called Special Session the House adjourned Sine Die on Thursday July 3 2009. The efficient two-day Special Session called by Governor Perry included the Sunset scheduling bill which continues several vital state agencies that were subject to expiration in the upcoming year. The Special Session also included bills addressing transportation issues: Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs) and general obligation bonds which are key components to our states transportation infrastructure. A Special Session is intended to focus on a limited scope of subjects and must be completed within 30 days. This special session resulted in the passing of House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 2. House Bill 1 HB 1 enables legislation for general obligation bonds to be used for highway improvement projects. In the 2007 General Election the people of Texas voted to allow the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to issue such bonds. Senate Bill 2 SB 2 provides a necessary extension to the review period for certain agencies which were scheduled to expire in 2011. This bill extends the expiration date to 2013 for large agencies such as TxDOT Texas Department of Insurance and the Racing Commission. House Bill 3 HB 3 addressing Comprehensive Development Agreements did not pass out of the House Committee on Transportation. For additional information on these bills visit the House web site: www.ho use.state.tx.us. Thank you for your valued input. As always feel free to contact me or my staff with questions or concerns.
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