Update on Legislative Proceedings

Diane Patrick Ph.D. Arlington Pantego Dalworthington Gardens width=58The House has passed 660 bills so far this Session. HB 3 relating to Public School Accountability passed the House unanimously this week. Academic and financial accountability measures are to be implemented over the next several years as the State moves away from TAKS and towards End-of- Course exams. During the last Interim I served on the Public School Accountability Select Committee which studied these issues heard testimony from witnesses across Texas and helped form the background for this important legislation. HB 3646 (Hochberg) related to School Funding was voted out of the Public Education Committee on Friday. As the bill moves toward being placed on the House Calendar it is a work in progress as we strive to return to formula funding improve equity and reduce property tax recapture. Several of my bills have reached important milestones over the past few weeks. My Pre-K bill HB 130 now has 100 authors and coauthors signed on and should be on the House Calendar soon! On April 24th HB 2491 relating to confidentiality of school employees personal information passed after 3rd reading on the floor. HB 2876 relating to the authority of administrative law judges to order the release of certain information has been voted out of the House. HB 4208 relating to school bus idling and HB 2823 relating to grants awarded by Commissioner of Education were unanimously voted out of the Public Education Committee. HB 2632 relating to a project to reduce social isolation among the elderly was also voted out of the Human Services Committee last week. Senate Bill 1 the budget bill passed the House and Senate last week. Appointed House and Senate members of the Conference Committee on SB 1 will sort out differences between the House and Senate version to create the final budget that will be brought back to the members for final approval. Capitol Pages Recently our office hosted two pages from Arlington: Nichole Donk and Tyler York who served as Pages for the Day in the Texas House of Representatives. Swine Flu Update As of April 30th there have been 26 confirmed cases of Swine Flu in Texas and an additional 10 suspected cases are awaiting confirmation. For the latest updates please visit the Department of State Health Services website at: www.dshs.state.tx. us/swineflu. For specific questions or to report symptoms please call 1- 888-777-5320. Energy Star Tax-Free Weekend During Memorial Day weekend Texas shoppers will not have to pay state or local taxes on purchases of certain energy efficient products. The tax break applies to the following equipment: air conditioners priced less than $6000 ceiling fans dehumidifiers dishwashers incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs programmable thermostats refrigerators priced less than $2000 and clothes washers but not clothes dryers. You can find information on bills being considered in hearings or on the House floor and more by visiting the House website at www.house.state.tx.us Thank you for your valued input. As always feel free to contact me or my staff with questions or concerns.
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